Full Moon dates for meditation on lunar-solar attunement:
- Taurus: Thursday 7 May
- Gemini: Friday 5 June
- Cancer: Sunday 5 Jul
- Leo: Monday 3 Aug
- Virgo: Wednesday 2 September
- Libra: Thursday 1 October
- Scorpio: Saturday 31 October
- Sagittarius: Saturday 28 November
- Capricorn: Tuesday 29 December
The full moon link-up is offered as a way of connecting with other ‘inner pilgrims’ during these challenging times for support and clarity. For further information about the locations on the British landscape zodiac or ‘wheel of life’ see the article linked for each sun sign with its reflective moon positions.
You are invited to join in at 12 noon on each of the dates above. Meditation is a personal journey, which unfolds in our unique ways. As we attune together at 12 pm we can make our prayers more powerful with a common focus. For those who feel connected to this particular work of the Gatekeeper Trust perhaps we could share the focus of a wheel of silver light spinning in the British Zodiac, radiant and happy.
There are different ways of using this group attunement:
Some may prefer to attune to the place in the zodiac highlighted by the position of the Sun.
Others may prefer to focus on the place on the opposite side of the circle, highlighted by the position of the Moon.
Please follow your own intuitive guidance at the time.
For further inner contemplation, we understand that the sun represents conscious rational thought, and the moon an inner intuitive response reflecting consciousness in order to create insight.
As we quest for truth, love and understanding, our conscious mind sets the questions for our life, such as ‘what is truth?’ or ‘where can I find pure love?’ or ‘Is this a good/useful intuition?’
We have all the answers within us, so that when we ask these questions an insight will begin forming.
What supports your intuition?
Pilgrimage, both inner and outer, is a form of questing the Creative Spirit within Nature, asking the landscape what it needs from us to thrive, and finding a way of expressing our appreciation for its beauty.
This could be in creative spiritual journaling, song, art, poetry, photography, creative lifestyles or further study and reminiscence of pilgrimage reports, research, etc. It would be wonderful to hear of your experiences, suggestions, and photos from these meditations as we continue to journey.
A good example of opening to your heart chakra is the ‘Cosmic Cross’ attunement (Click here for details).
Please feel free to join in at the time of the full moon and help build a spiritual community to help the healing process of our planet and humanity.
Editors and contributors: Charlotte Yonge, Peter Dawkins, Jane Withers and Amelie Coe, April 2020.