How Does Walking Help the Earth?
With an understanding of how energies move through the Earth, it can be realised that just as acupuncture can restore the healthy flow of vital energy in Humans, so walking can help Mother Earth. Today this way of caring for the Earth is mostly a lost knowledge. Yet, historically, pilgrimage formed a central core to society. In medieval times, for instance, pilgrimage routes were established all over Europe. The Australian Aborigines still go on their "walk abouts", walking the "song lines" very much in tune with the needs of their land. Walking in this way can enhance the natural energies that flow through the Earth's crust, as can dance, song and prayer, helping to bring healing and balance to the environment and to the planet as a whole.
Gatekeeper Trust researches this landscape knowledge and shares it through an annual programme of sacred journeys, workshops and link-in events.