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Full Moon Meditation – 15th November



November 15th 2024

12 noon local

THE ‘ALLPHA-OMEGA LINE’ - running as ‘the girdle of the heavens’ runs from CroaGh Patrick in Ireland to the Kingston Zodiac where…

… the River Thames follows the zodiac’s ‘river of light’ through its symbols, [Mary Caine ‘The Kingston Zodiac’ https://www.kingstonzodiac.co.uk/kingston-zodiac/]

Blessed King Bran’s head traveled through the sacred passage of initiation in the land to be buried at Tower Hill (the ‘white hill’ of Caer Troyia). The magic journey of illumination reveals itself in the landscape and kingly/sainty myths. Here the AA line in Britain is linked to Ireland. In all pilgrimage work, the land reveals its hidden wisdom, alignment and precision life-flow patterns.

St Columba’s church ruins, Inch Island.

The Holy Well at Tara - the kingly seat.

The Catstone at Uisneach the spiritual centre.

From our Irish pilgrim group: Inch Island with its causeway.

THE IRELAND-BRITAIN CONNECTION through King Bran - how symbolic ‘Milky Way’ orientations encapsulate the connected wholeness of landscapes.

Inch Island has been recognised as the ‘crown chakra’ of the midline through Ireland. The saints and saintly kings like Bran the Blessed, portrayed in their lives the wisdom of the landscape links within the invisible sacred ‘whole’ of our connected ‘islands of Hesperides’.



Milky Way runs between the cusps of Scorpio/Sagittarius and Taurus/Gemini. Ophiucus on3 of the twi 13th signs symbolises the healing process of balancing the serpent energies. The sun is in Ophiucus from November 29th to December 17th. This fusion of reason and intuition reveals the logic of our incarnation where Gaia is our collaborative ally, and through the spirit of the land we decode its wisdom and divine plan.of

Ariadne, the second 13th sign on the cusp of Taurus/Gemini connects to the myth of the King of Crete, its labyrinth and the minotaur at its centre. Wiki: ‘Minos put Ariadne in charge of the labyrinth where sacrifices were made as part of reparations either to Poseidon or Athena, depending on the version of the myth; later, she helped Theseus conquer the Minotaur and save the children from sacrifice’.

OUR CREATIVE JOURNEY TO ENLIGHTENMENT: We ask for the wisdom of our own ‘inner‘ magician’, the alchemical process where experience is transformed into the light of wisdom: the thus at the end of the year, and the beginning of the Celtic new year, the transformer within us creates a basket of light out of our year’s insights. In the tradition of the Magi - alchemical philosophers who kept the light of wisdom alive into the Rennaisance, laying foundations for our ‘modern world’.

Wiki: The ‘well of initiation’ 1904, at Quinta Regaleira, Sintra, Portugal. At the bottom of the "well" is seen the Rose of the Winds (8-point compass rose: 4 cardinal and 4 ordinal directions) placed upon the Templar Cross.

In the ‘wheel of life’ our journey into manifesting our heartfelt vision begins to be active at one gateway of the ‘heavenly girdle’ or the Milky Way, and the ‘rebirth’ gateway is at the Taurus/Gemini cusp. We can look upon this point as a journey into creativity or ‘love-in-action’. By the time we enter Libra, we put our vision into action and mediate with others and our physical world to bring about a new insight into love-wisdom. At the point of Scorpio-cusp-Sagittarius, the ‘ascension’ gateway is in progress, and ‘bring the dead back to life’ metaphorically. It is an awakening of our ‘star self’ on reflection upon our experienced/embodied vision of ‘love-in-action’.

We become alchemical masters of light, generating insights and compassion throughout our lives, once we get in touch with our spiritual warrior and commit to the heart vision that is the role of our Piscean ‘inner mystic’. These internal potencies we call our ‘collective unconscious’, together we recreate them as ‘heroic selves’ of a ‘round table’, which incorporates all our personal qualities and transforms into a creative ‘star of light’ within us and our planet.

INITIATION CYCLE: Scorpio and Sagittarius: the ‘resurrection’ gateway to the Milk Way, completes the active cycle of love in action. Having experienced a year of Preparation (Aquarius to Aries), Love and clarity (Taurus to Virgo) and love inaction (Libra), throughout the ‘Milk Way’ – ‘girdle of the heavens’ in the British zodiac, the birthing of a new seed vision takes us through the last quarter of the year: planting the new seed into the earth.

The inner questing: ‘What seeds of wisdom have grown in your life throughout the year? Make a list and express your gratitude for these. They are your own reflections and insights, and do not need any overlay of interpretation from other systems such as astrology. Within our psyche we have ‘protective’ and ‘nurturing’ selves, as well as the ‘inner child’ which develops an inner light of realization, a knowledge of wisdom

The Landscape, as many have realised, has many precise alignments and symbology encoded within it. The zodiac was formed in ancient times to represent the ‘inner journey of transformation’, and pilgrimage enables that wisdom to become a state of ‘enlightenment’ or heart-felt realization within us.


Royston and the healing journey of the AA line/Milky Way - Learning from the healing wisdom of the ‘serpent bearer ‘Ophiucus’. This is also on the Michael Line, linking with the Sinodon Hill at the start of the Greater London Temple (see below).

WIki: Ophiuchus lies between Aquila, Serpens, Scorpius, Sagittarius, and Hercules, northwest of the center of the Milky Way. The southern part lies between Scorpius to the west and Sagittarius to the east.[2] In the northern hemisphere, it is best visible in summer.[3] It is opposite of Orion. Ophiuchus is depicted as a man grasping a serpent; the interposition of his body divides the snake constellation Serpens into two parts, Serpens Caput and Serpens Cauda


The constellation of Ophiucus.

The ‘serpent bearer’ balancing the energy dualities of the earth.

We are both mortal and immortal beings, and the snake represents the life force of incarnation, which when we understand and corporate with its earthly logic, we become ‘immortal’, transformed.

‘The Origin of Ophiuchus can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology, where it is associated with the healer Asclepius. According to the myth, Asclepius possessed incredible healing abilities and could even bring the dead back to life. ‘This miraculous power threatened the balance of life and death, leading to a dispute among the gods. As a result, Zeus, the king of the gods, struck Asclepius down with a thunderbolt. To honor his contributions, Asclepius was immortalized as the constellation Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer. The serpent itself holds powerful symbolism in various cultures, representing wisdom, transformation, and rebirth.….’

Ophiuchs is also associated with the Greeek God Aesclepios:

Wiki: Aesclepios…the god of medicine. He was also the patron god, and reputed ancestor, of the Asklepiades (Asclepiades), the ancient guild of doctors.

Our whole landscape encapsulates the history of our ‘democracy’ and the way in which traditions and myths ‘framed’ the process of personal transformation.

The sanctuary of Asklepios - the ampitheatre of Epidaurus, the healing templ.

I traveled to this site with my father, who studied the Greek classic philosophies in university, before translating the philosophy of Democritus and the Greek Philosophers – democracy – to the local tribes in Tanzania Africa. a steep task. Our legal system is embedded within the Green traditions that rooted into our Celtic society from the Roman tradition of philosophers.

‘Democritus: ‘… was known in antiquity as the ‘laughing philosopher’ because of his emphasis on the value of cheerfulness.’

Hercules – the Sun God – is depicted as conquering the 12 ‘Labours’, which he had to perform – the zodiac of 12 archetypal ‘challenges’ or later depicted as the ‘ knights of the round table’. Wiki: ‘His struggles made Hercules the perfect embodiment of an idea the Greeks called pathos, the experience of virtuous struggle and suffering which would lead to fame and, in Hercules' case, immortality.

Pathos -- literally "what happens to a person" -- lay at the center of the Greek conception of Hercules. The fifth century philosopher Prodicus represented Hercules as the hero who chose the life of toil and virtue and as the prototype for the true philosophical life.


THE ROYSTON CAVE - symbols of the ‘AA’ line of eternal beginnings and the path connecting mortality with immortality.

Plate II from Joseph Beldam's book ‘The Origins and Use of the Royston Cave’, 1884…

Embedded within our mythology are stories of St Catherine and St Christopher, along with St George, St Michael, St Andrew, etc. The stories of all these saints told of the cycle of rebirth and resurrection.

Plate III from Joseph Beldam's book, 1884 showing the shape and floor plan of the cave.

Wiki: ‘They include the hand of God, crucifixion scenes, St Katherine and St Christopher. Elsewhere are figures of a horse and an Earth Goddess, believed to be Pagan symbols for fertility. Beside the carvings, the cave was found containing a human skull and fragments of a drinking vessel.’

A ‘Royse Cross’ originally stood on this crossroads, and this boulder seems to have been adopted as its ‘base’. It relates the hidden ‘Order of the Rosie Cross’ which emerged from the groups of the Rennaisance ‘magi’ researching alchemical texts in Europe:


‘Intriguingly, it is believed that Rosenkreuz’s body was buried in the interior of the earth, in a chamber that represented a storehouse of knowledge, and Royston Cave is shaped like a beehive – a symbol that represents the wisdom of the ages. The legend recalls the expression VITRIOL: Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem, meaning ‘Visit the Interior Parts of the Earth’; by Rectification Thou Shalt Find the Hidden Stone. Still others believe that the Rosy Cross originates from the Red Cross of the Knights Templar, and that the original ‘Rose Croix Masons’ were, in fact, the descendants of the Knights Templar. Nevertheless, the possibility that Rosenkreuz and the Rose Cross could have originated in England is intriguing………According to The Vahan, the OTRC was dedicated "to the study of the Mysteries, Rosicrucian, Cabal, Astrology, Masonry, Symbolism, Christian Ceremonial, Mystic Traditions and Occults of the West". And it added that: "To confide in that such work serves as preliminary for the restoration of the missing Mysteries of Europe with the decadence of Rome"

Wiki: Rosicrucianismis a spiritual and cultural movement that arose in early modern Europe in the early 17th century after the publication of several texts announcing to the world a new esoteric order. Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rose Cross or Rosy Cross. There have been several Rosicrucian (or Rosicrucian-inspired) organizations since the initial movement was founded, including the Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross (1750s–1790s), the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (1865–present), and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (1887–1903).

‘The Temple of the Rose Cross’, Teophilus Schweighardt Constantiens, 1618.

THE ‘AXIS MUNDI’ role represented by the Royston cave and its four-square orientation diagram, seems to have been chosen to relate to the ‘Milky Way’ of the British Zodiac, with its eight pointed diagram associated with other symbolic alchemical geometry. It refers to a geographic model of the centre of the Universe, to which all geomantic measurements refer: Wiki. ‘…in ancient Greco-Roman astronomy, the axis mundi[1] is the axis of rotation of the planetary spheres within the classical geocentric model of the cosmos….A common shamanic concept, and a universally told story, is that of the healer traversing the axis mundi to bring back knowledge from the other world..

The CAVE’S POSITION therefore symbolises a point of reconciliation of opposites. Being positioned At the crossroads of Ermine Street and the Ickneild way, the cave could be associated with the Michael Line. This makes it significant in an earth energy viewpoint, as the ‘spear’ and the ‘dragon’ of St George and St Michael, and therefore of the healing symbol. We find the snake representing the earth energies, being integrated on the Caduceus, and so the significance of alchemical healing of the landscape and human nature may be attributed to the purpose of the cave and the symbol of the caduceus, ‘Aesclepius staff’ with two snakes intertwined. The origins of this mythology are deeply ingrained in our experiments with democracy, a universal system yet to be perfected.

THE ROOTS OF AESCLEPIAN HEALING: Wiki. Babylonian ‘Ishtar’ with her healing wand. The caduceus is represented these days on many countries’ and organisations’ heraldic shields.

Death and Ascension: These two icons found carved on the walls of Royston Cave, seems to symbolise the role that Royston plays at the crossroads, the sign of Ophiucus, and the mystical passage of our incarnation of the universal spirit of life within us. It signifies its position in the ‘Milky Way’ or ‘AA’ line (from mystical tradition, representing the ‘alpha and omega’ process of initiation through Time).

From the Royston Cave, we find St Catherine of Alexandria, with her ‘wheel’ of crucifixion/transformation, representing the wheel of rebirth and the eight festivals of the solar cycle. She is the patron of philosophers and scholars and is believed to help protect against sudden death. https://www.britannica.com/topic/martyr

St Christopher – patron saint of travellers and children – depicted carrying the Christ Child across the River Styx/Death.

The path of sacrifice is symbolised by the ‘Milky Way’ path of resurrection in terrestrial landscapes, which Medieval pilgrims would travel devotedly imitating the life of Christ. Following Anthony Thorley’s interpretation: at the cusp of Taurus and Gemini we find the ‘gateway of rebirth’ and the start of a journey of transformation towards the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius, where we find the ‘gateway of ascension’. In the pilgrims’ path between the signs is the path of transformation, of discovering through experience the knowledge of wisdom, or the death of the ego, and rescue of the Christ Child within, who represents our ‘immortal self’ growing to maturity within us:

LONDON - on the CUSP of SCORPIO AND SAGITTARIUS, THE ‘RESURRECTION’ GATEWAY OF THE ‘AA LINE’.: In Westminster Cathedral: St Christopher is painted on a green ground, originally diapered with small rosettes. The saint has his mantle drawn over his head and carries his staff in his right hand while he holds the Child on his shoulder, supporting the foot in his hand. The Child wears a blue robe and carries an apple. In the water through which the saint is wading there is a small head, which may represent a mermaid associated with his legend. Two Latin inscriptions remain.

The St Christopher painting in Westminster Cathedral (left) and Westminster psalter (right). https://www.westminster-abbey.org/history/explore-our-history/wall-paintings/


The ‘river Styx’ represents the challenges of embodied life. Life presents tests, and wisdom is produced when our heart vision (the ‘Christ Child’) is received, prepared, planned, purified, and then acted out in real life…. ‘Tested and refined, it becomes ‘the philosopher’s stone:

Wiki: The philosopher's stone[a] is a mythic alchemical substance capable of turning base metals such as mercury into gold or silver[b]; it was also known as "the tincture" and "the powder". …. Interpreted as rejuvenation and immortality, this is seen as the ELIXIR OF LIFE.

In the interpretation of the ‘wheel of life’ and ‘Rose petal is the conclusion of the creation of the rose at the centre of an illumined heart.

The Golden Rose Cross of Ireland: ‘The Rosicrucians call this “space” the Rose of the heart. It is the spiritual spark that is inside man who must awaken it from its sleep of death. From the Rose will be revealed all that is necessary to achieve a new state of being. ‘ https://www.goldenrosycross.ie/encounter-with-the-rose-of-the-heart

Nature’s cycle of growth and its manifestation within us.

The Wheel of Life: https://www.zoence.co.uk/wisdom/wheel-of-life/
Peter Dawkins, Zoence

Peter Dawkins: ‘In human life, the cycle that repeats itself over and over again is that of impulse-desire-thought-action.’

We evolve our consciousness through the cycle of transformation, starting with Preparation, then learning to love, to exercise pure thought, and express love-in-action, before reflecting and transforming our experience into wisdom. The unfolds as a the petal of the light of wisdom in our hearts.


Finding the constellation of Orpheus and the divine healer: (Peter Dawkins study paper: https://www.zoence.co.uk/zodiac/british-landscape-zodiac/ ‘The heart of Ophiuchus in the British Zodiac would appear to be marked by Royston, where the famous bottle-shaped Royston Cave, with its Knights Templar cave paintings, lies beneath the intersection of Icknield Way and Ermine Street. … All evidence points to this cave as having been a grain store, similar to the one reputed to have existed beneath the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite upon which the Temple of Solomon was built—a temple that stood for 33 years.’

St Albans

https://historicroses.org/roses-and-religion-by-sarah-coles/ ‘In legends of the saints the rose is a link between this world and heaven, miraculously appearing to convert unbelievers. When St. Alban was beheaded, a rose instantly sprang from his spilt blood.’

ACTING IN PERSONAL SOVEREIGNTY means holding the ‘THE FELT SENSE’ grail of wholeness and self love within our hearts… and transforming the felt sense of incarnation, embodiment of five senses and physiology of endocrines, structures and all elements that build a body, and our body of light.



‘It was built on the site of an earlier Saxon church of St Mary which is said to have been the site of Coronations for Saxon Kings. After the crumbling – and dangerously unstable – St Mary’s church was pulled down in 1730 the stone was preserved and stations outside the Town Hall. Today the stone is grade I listed and Historic England says that it was used as a horse mounting block until 1850 when it was moved to its present position and given a little more grandeur befitting a Royal relic’.

Original position outside St Mary’s Church

In 1991 Gatekeeper members met in the White Hart hotel in Kingston, and then walked through Hampton Court, through which the ‘Silver Wheel’ of the Milky Way was said to pass.

The Maze Hampton Court, is laid out so that by following the touch of the right hand will lead to the centre. It links to the Greek ‘Minotaur’ myth of pre-Christian spirituality.

THE GREATER LONDON chakra system: In 1992 a pilgrimage was conducted lead by Peter and Sarah Dawkins in which we linked with Dorchester, the junction of the Rivers Thame and Isis, Goring Gap, Maidenhead, Windsor, Kingston and then on the Thames with a ‘feast’ to Greenwich.


With Kingston at its heart, and at the crown chakra, Greenwich Royal Park, which ‘... has been settled since Roman times, and in the south of the park you can see the traces of an ancient Roman temple, excavated in 1999. The park was also an important space for Anglo-Saxons who chose this land to bury their dead – over 30 of their distinctive circular burial mounds can still be seen to the west of the park…. King Henry VIII was born at Greenwich in 1491– and it was he who introduced deer to Greenwich Park. King Henry married his first and fourth wife at Greenwich, and his two daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I were also born here. His only legitimate son, Edward VI, died in Greenwich, just before his sixteenth birthday.


THE GREENWICH PARK BARROWS A barrow cemetery, thought to originally comprise approximately 50 round barrows, 31 barrows identified during 1993-94 survey. Excavations have located Anglo-Saxon inhumations, some in coffins, accompanied by spearheads, shields, knives and beads. the RCHM survey of 194 estimated the original size of the cemetery to have been circa 40 barrows, and linear arrangements within the group.

‘The barrows were first excavated in the early eighteenth century by a keeper named Hearn and then, more thoroughly, in 1784 by the Rev. James Douglas. Items found inside the barrows included glass beads, wool and hair, as well as shields and swords, indicating that these were pagan, not Christian, burials.’

When Charles II abandoned his development of Greenwich Park, he chose the site of the castle for his new observatory. The castle was demolished in 1675, and in 1676 John Flamsteed, Astronomer Royal, moved into the Observatory.

WIKI: There had been significant buildings on this land since the reign of William I.[8][page needed] Greenwich Palace, on the site of the present-day National Maritime Museum, was the birthplace of both Henry VIII and his daughters Mary I and Elizabeth I; the Tudors used Greenwich Castle, which stood on the hilltop that the Observatory presently occupies, as a hunting lodge. Greenwich Castle was reportedly a favourite place for Henry VIII to house his mistresses, so that he could easily travel from the Palace to see them,

London’s Barrows:

Wiki: King Henry VIII’s Mound in Richmond Park, London has been protected as a scheduled monument, due to its national archaeological and historic importance, along with a second site in the Royal Park. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has given protection to the sites on London History Day, 31 May, on the advice of Historic England.

HENRY VIII’s Mound looking South.

Boudicca’s Mound, Hampstead Heath – Boudicca was Queen of the Iceni,


Wiki: Shrewsbury Barrow is a Bronze Age burial mound (also known as a tumulus) in Shooter's Hill in South East London, in the Royal Borough



Wiki: In 1792, Primrose Hill was the site of the first meeting of the "Gorsedd of the Bards of the Isles of Britain", organised by the Welsh radical poet and antiquarian Iolo Morganwg. The Gorsedd (a community of bards) took place at a ceremony on 21 June (the summer solstice) and was designed to replicate ancient Druidic rites. A plaque commemorating this event was unveiled in 2009 by Huw Edwards on behalf of the London Welsh Association.

The key cityscape that ‘opens the gate’ is London. Here Peter Dawkins’ early speculative draft map with equidistant cities, which he referred to as ‘The Rose Centres of London’.

It seems that the landscape ‘directed’ human cultural activities to represent the main centres of education, religion, and kingship… those who had ‘alchemical training’ in the sacred orientation of the landscape would have been advising kings and bishops as to the sacred places of focus. In the Rennaisance, the ‘magi’ were studying ancient alchemical texts and attempting to encourage their pupil do develop ways of interpreting them for ‘societal building’.

The Welsh Sarn Wedllyn ‘Royal Road’ ended in London, linking Ireland at its sacred centres. Bran’s head buried in the Tower of London (called the ‘white hill’). Centuries later King Brutus must have established the London Stone as a geomantic ‘axis mundi’ representing the founding mythology of modern civilisation’:

The London Stone in the British Museum, waiting to be displayed in new housing in 2018, the other side of the road past Charing Cross.

Current position of the London Stone within a casing of Portland Stone.

Wiki: Unknown author:
London Stone and St Swithin's Church as shown on the "Copperplate" map of c.1553–59.
Significantly for Gatekeeper pilgrims and our weekend at Portland celebrating Portland stone as structural foundations of 12 of London’s churches including St Paul’s Cathedral: ‘The Stone is located on the north side of Cannon Street, opposite Cannon Street station, in an aperture in the wall of 111 Cannon Street (EC4N 5AR), within a Portland stone casing.’

Equidistant from the London Stone, the landscape reveals a bridging of cultural symbols:

Colchester and Winchester – kingly seats palaces of King Cole and King Alfred.

Colchester links to Canterbury and St Thomas a’Beckett: Wiki: ‘Sometime around 1170 the monastery received a vial of St Thomas Becket's blood from a monk called Ralph, who had once stayed at of St John's Abbey during Becket's exile, and who had been present at Becket's murder in Canterbury.[1] Supposedly Ralph only caught a few drops of Becket's blood in the vial, but when he sent it to Colchester it was miraculously overflowing.’

Canterbury and Oxford – equidistant and opposite each-other, the religious centre at Canterbury and the Academic centre at Oxford.

The stone zodiac at Canterbury Cathedral.

Brighton and Cambridge – these are open to your own curve of imagination. The Gog Magog hills and Wandlebury Ring: Wiki: ‘In English folklore and the Matter of Britain, Gogmagog was a giant, and according to Geoffrey of Monmouth's influential 12th-century Historia Regum Britanniae, one of the inhabitants of Albion discovered by Brutus of Troy and his men. He was the last of the giants that they killed, and was thrown from a cliff by Corineus….The dowser and archaeologist T. C. Lethbridge claimed to have identified some ancient hill figures buried in the chalk under the surface of the hills. These were purported to represent a sun-god, a moon-goddess and a warrior-god..’

In between these cities we find spiritual centres of creative spiritual groups, providing ‘petals’ of new insight: for example the Seekers Trust at Adington off the M 21 near Wrotham. Another of these esoteric centres is St Albans, home to a group of ‘pure poets’ of Shakespeare’s works, 400 years ago. The home of Francis Bacon: Nicholas Bacon – Gorhambury House’ – is situated on an ancient pre-Roman Gallic centre – the situation of the town of St Albans represents one of the ‘Rose Centres’ of London, and it is believed this is where the alchemical philosophy of the ‘magi’ of the Rennaisance was developed into Shakespeare’s works. The ‘Tempest’ character of Prospero represents the human process of how to learn to be a magician: the lessons are characterized by the ‘tempest’ or personality dissolution, resolving with the love of Prospero’s daughter as a ‘reconciliation’ into a pure love relationship. All these are archetypes within our own psyche.

The pilgrimage to the ‘three angels’ in the centre of London:

The St James’ Park links Westminster, Buckingham Palace and Trafalga Square. The three are ‘foundational areas’ of the landscape upon which the sacred centres of London were established.

Later in 1918 we went to Westminster Abbey for a Shakespeare event in which parts of the plays were enacted within different corners of the Abbey. A secret photograph was taken of a kingly tombe with violet light highlighting its features. The following montage reflects very deep memories of the Shakespearean atmosphere of philosophical enquiry and the sanctity of the building within Parliament Square and its old hazel trees at dusk. Dusk is a sacred time of day when details of our environment dissolve into subconscious re-assemblage of symbolic ‘sensing’ through the body awareness.

After our pilgrimage to ‘three angels’ in the centre of London, I made a montage of the key images, with a background of beautiful St James’ Park. Its intent is to capture the beauty that Nature provides for many daily human concerns in this age of technology and commerce. A depiction of our ‘urban forest’ can be seen from the Canonbury Tower.

Montage: including old trees, scattered remains of our ‘urban forest’ around Parliament Square.

The montage resembling the ‘kaleidescopic’ memory of the park, and the key classic buildings of the centre of London. The atmosphere is conveyed through the sensual synthesis of Nature holding key images of architectural beauty.

As a symbol of a rose in sacred geometry, its symmetry is arrived through expressing our love of the land and Nature, and is a conscious expression of how the ‘wisdom of the land’ moves into ‘approximation’ of flowering cultural growth. We can ask, how can the positions of these cities have been planned, centred on the London Stone, and the legend of King Brutus of Troy having established ‘Caer Troyia’ after travelling from Totnes where we find the ‘Brutus Stone’ up the high Street? Evidence is subject to circumstance, and mythology wraps around our interpretation. We have key ‘stones’ of axis mundi rooting our cultural history… and they relate to the great Megalithic foundation stones that were placed in the landscape, leading Greek philosophers to insights of precise mathematical patterns.


Our task and destiny is to synthesise the archetypes within us, into an ascended star, which holds the key to creative magic in manifesting our heart vision. A precision and perfection lie in potency under our feet, and become realized within the awakening of wonder in our hearts.

The culmination of any creative project is the creation of a ‘petal of joy’ in the centre, the symbol of our star self made visible as the ‘rose of love’.

The ‘intuitive drafting’ of the Round Table quest of the inner ‘knights of the psyche’ by Peter Dawkins, represents the challenges of the path of initiation.

The ‘round table’ was re-designed with the same images Peter defined, This mirrors the ancient Greek myth of ‘The Labours of Hercules’ along the Celtic ‘Via Herculeam’ from Portugal to Milan. The interpretation is: the energy of the earth rises through us into a self perpetuating radiance of ‘love wisdom’, the rose of love, honey in the heart.

Peter Dawkins: ‘Illumination: When we are living our lives in a state of initiation—i.e. constantly loving, understanding and serving—the various energies flow through the body in their fullest ways, opening and activating all the chakras, and increasing and raising consciousness to an illumined level. Such a state of being not only transforms the psyche but transmutes it into what is called the celestial or spiritual soul.’ https://www.zoence.co.uk/wisdom/chakra-system/

What does the spirit of Gaia aspire for us personally, after our pilgrimages working with the ‘spirit of the land’? Each full moon, we have the possible ‘quest’ of the Sun’s ‘stimulus’ being reflected by the responsive ‘inner moon’ of intuition. At Samhain with Scorpio, a real personal mythical journey comes full cycle, in order to create a new ‘petal’ of wisdom at the end of the year, and beginning of the Celtic New Year.

Editor: Charlotte Yonge 2024


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