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Full Moon Meditation – 15th December




12 noon local time


Tradition shows us the astronomical calculations for the start of a new 26,000 year cycle of evolution.

The implications for the start of a new Great Age reside within our own psyche. The planetary and ‘galactic cycles’ of our Milky Way are bringing in new particles from outer space, say geophysicists.

In the light of all of our scientific learning, we are encouraged to become inspired with a new ‘seed vision’ of the global society of Humankind as ‘One Family’: within us we embody the seer/archer and under the inspiration of our heart vision we travel either physically or mental-emotionally, driven to find he truth and the point of revelation for our vision.

In the Rennaisance, the reason for all the regeneration of the arts and sciences was considered to be the super nova in Casseopeia. They anticipated a transforming vision of ‘Arcadia’ taking root on the planet.


The magi interpreted ancient texts and predicted the start of a 400 year preparation for the next 25,000 yr Great Age, according to how the stars complete a full circle in the sky.

‘There is a cosmic rhythm that permeates the entire solar system’. NASA.

Cassiopoeia was the goddess of the Hesperides, our British Isles, thus the implication was that within our land the inspirations that build the next 400 years would descend… and there we have it, arts, science and architecture, renewal of religious expression, and the inherent sense of proportion wrapped inside it all. The origins of the digital technology we use were originally encoded in a European publication called ‘Cryptomenytices et Cryptographiae’. History and science and technology, wrapped up the next period to the 21st Century. The expectation was for a new age of enlightenment. Writers and playwrights worked all hours of the day, and Nicklaus Copernicus - ‘Renaissance polymath, active as a mathematician, astronomer, and Catholic canon, who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at its center.’ Wiki: - ruled the day describing the earth circulating the sun.


Wiki: ;...the word Arcadia to develop into a poetic byword for an idyllic vision of unspoiled wilderness. Arcadia is a poetic term associated with bountiful natural splendor and harmony. the word Arcadia to develop into a poetic byword for an idyllic vision of unspoiled wilderness. Arcadia is a poetic term associated with bountiful natural splendor and harmony.’

Nicholas Pousin’s famous painting ‘Et in Arcadia Ego’ is said to also have sacred geometric proportion, giving an invisible dimension of harmony to a viewer. Landscape and myth came together - the hidden ‘pilgrim’ speaks of the unity of group consciousness and wisdom of Nature.

IN BRITAIN the ancient sages diagnosed and directed the inspiration of the land, to whomever was living there and needed guidance. The sovereigns of the land were guided by seers, sages and wise-ones, and these we embody in this age of enlightenment.

Ancient Ways - now inspiring modern day art pilgrims:

‘Optohedron’ by Will Nash: ‘“The Optohedron sculpture is inspired by the act of viewing, thinking about seeing as the fundamental interface between the person and the world. Whilst exploring this idea, I investigated optics, the science of light, which took me to an ancient instrument, the Kaleidoscope.” https://www.surreyhillsarts.org/permanent-works/the-optohedron

PILGRIMS HAVE A NEW IMPETUS - SAGITTARIUS 2024 is a visionary time of seeding. This year, Saturn and Jupiter have already danced together, and Pluto entered Aquarius for for a full 20 years. There is no denying the changes are already afoot - the next step is for us to respond with love and anticipation of a change of the order of things.

Winchester Downs - St Catherine’s Hill - the hill has been loved for centuries, as an icon with eight sacred sites creating its ‘wheel’... the key to the solar cycles imprinted on the land by the magi.

A view to ‘Sleepers Hill’ and the myth of Arthur asleep underground. The City in the North East from the sacred hill, marks the direction of the start of the Celtic New Year. Here King Alfred is buried, without anyone’s view of his hidden bones. A true initiate of Sagittarius ‘the teacher’.

The Mountain King: (Wiki) ‘The king asleep in mountain (D 1960.2 in Stith Thompson's motif index system)[1] is a prominent folklore trope found in many folktales and legends…King in the mountain stories involve legendary heroes, often accompanied by armed retainers, sleeping in remote dwellings including caves on high mountaintops, remote islands, or supernatural worlds. The hero is frequently a historical figure of some military consequence in the history of the nation where the mountain is located.

Are we awakening, from our sleep, to engage with our inner ‘sovereign teacher, seer?’ The anticipation of the ‘seers and maji’ of old of a new ‘Great Age’ is explained by Peter Dawkins whose calculations unwrap the magi’s message:

A Great Age is a time cycle of approximately 25,920 years, marked by the time it takes the midsummer (or midwinter) sun to precess through all twelve signs of the zodiac, being in each sign.2,160 years (i.e. an Age). In other words, 12 Ages make up a Great Age. A Great Age is also known as a Platonic Year or a Phoenix Cycle. Peter Dawkins.

Accordingly, in this year 2024 we now consider this year 2024 as the astronomical start. It is approximately the time of the cusp between two great ages. However we are asked to accept that humanity has free will, and this could be to either enter and co-create a ‘new age’ of harmony and beauty, or resist it and build darker interpretations. As inheritors of the creative impulse and part of the One Creator, we are all capable of bringing about a ‘utopia’ through using all our faculties of self understanding, self awareness, compassion and love of the truth.

Our Rennaisance philosophers provided artwork to guide us towards what they saw as the fulfilment of 400 years of change, and what to expect. Our whole body is alight with conscious awareness, science and the traditions of ‘mindfulness’ are taken on by many as the skills needed to open gateways to new levels of conscious ‘somatic insight’. Our brains are being refurbished as we open those portals of awareness and insight. As the land speaks through this intuitive brain, we can also balance our rational/lexical processor. Thinking in two dimensions, our brains become beautiful complex instruments of incarnation, enabling us to create both beauty and precision.

Leonardo da Vince’s ‘Vitruvian Man’ ‘...a description of the ideal proportions of man in the work "Ten Books on Architecture" by the ancient architect Vitruvius (1st century BC). These are the only surviving book on architecture from antiquity.’ https://nicofranz.art/en/leonardo-da-vinci/vitruvian-man

Leonardo’s vision - our own chakra system unfolds our wisdom, under the inspiration of Nature. Human Nature… and in his medicinal examination of the human frame, I believe he realistically encourages us to view ourselves as ‘energetic systems’, transforming earth energy into conscious enlightenment and wisdom


Light - bouncing down from the sun to the landscape, actively dancing through shadows, creates images in our brain, triggering a process of evolution.

Our planet holds all the ‘wisdom’ of incarnation at the gateway of our senses.
We are imbued by Earth with experience that leads, forms and inspires our ‘inner light’ to greater radiance.

Box Hill on the North Downs Way, looking towards the S downs..

‘There is historical evidence at Box Hill that dates back to the Stone and Bronze age including barrows (mounds), flint and remnants of the Harrow Way (an ancient track crossing the south of England). Roman coins and streets were also found in Box Hill’s vicinity.’ https://viewbritain.com/england/box-hill-surrey-things-to-do-and-see/

The Martha’s (Martyrs) Church on St Martha’s Hill, connecting the Pilgrims Way on the North Downs.

Wiki: The site contains several Megalithic and Neolithic artefacts, dating from as far back as 3500 BCE. Below the church there are five circular earthworks, believed to date back to the Bronze Age. They were excavated in 1953 but one has since been obliterated by the construction of a reservoir.[1]

There is a traditional belief that the original name of this hill was Saints and Martyrs Hill, the martyr being St Thomas of Canterbury.[Another theory said to be supported by some medieval charters contends that chapel was named after its location on "marterhill". According to a local tradition the hill has this name due to it being the location where some early Christian martyres were burned in Saxon times.

In our pilgrimage in 1992 (?) we connected with St Catherine’s Chapel at the junction of ‘St Swithun’s Way from Winchester and St Catherine’s Hill.

In a later year, we brought our lanterns and celebrated the ‘lighting of the line’ from St Michael’s Mount in Cornwall.

In the 1980’s I saw the development of crop circles in the ampitheatre (the Matterley Estate) in Temple Valley. This lies at the e Junction of the South and North Downs where found at St Swithun’s Way, NE of St Catherine’s Hill, continues to Farnham. This ampitheatre’s old name is ‘Devils Punchbowl’ and according to clairvoyants formed a ‘round table’ of celebration, which were ‘squared’ to indicate the solar directions - the solar cycles were seen as ‘characters’ such as Hercules the sun god, infusing the ‘divine light’ into human affairs through His ‘angle/angels’. Above is Telegraph Hill


The Telegraph Hill bowl barrow overlooks St Catherine’s Hill - creating a good NE angle (Festival of Imbolc).

At each of these junctions, an angle aligned with other sacred sites and the solar cycles, forms the earthing ‘angel’ and wrapping around them is the road to Chichester in the SE, many junctions to Newbury North. Magdalen Hill with its barrows connects these points to Winchester and suspected stone circles in its centre. On this hill are many sarsen stones collected from the city… that’s not an accident,

In Abbey Gardens: A few of the over 100 sarsens tucked away in corners of Winchester city. The were found on St George’s street - any coincidence? Deliberation was made in the heavens as to which angel was responsible for the discovery - perhaps? In these gardens is a cafe with ‘Apollo Temple style pillars’ - someone found the remains of the Roman temple in a ‘hump’ in its backyard.

‘Inn The Park’ - check out what tradition called ‘the mound’ at the back.

Therefore our QUEST is ‘How does the Earth, Nature, and the Landscape Angels/spirit of place, inspire us?’ We have the spark of universal intelligence, and this is how we can respond as a new quest…. activating a vision of harmony and beauty.

As a research trust, what have we found out about the way Nature and the cosmos has stimulated our sense of artistic expression and insight, leading us to embody even the past mythology as part of the new ‘age’ of enlightenment..


The inspiration of angels of pure harmonic design, become worlds of art in sanctuaries.

THE AA (alpha and omega) LINE OF BRITAIN is marked by an alignment of roads from Canterbury to Kingston and beyond to High Cross, the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Our quest is to see its relationship to other significant ‘cuspal’ areas which seem to also include ‘holy isles’. In this cuspal alignment indicates two - now connected to the mainland - islands, each containing a ‘Minster’ and a history of invasion by the Phoenicians, Romans, etc


The mystics are hidden, but the star-wisdom explains their involvement in crowning kings.

Surrounded by the signs of the zodiac which must have inspired this artist:

The Gemini roundel: the intuitive answer to the Sagittarian ‘arrow of vision’ is to innovate and create new form.

‘Exquisite perfection’ in tiles: As the medieval artists contemplated the angelic symbols of the zodiac, they added this piece of very precise and beautiful artwork. Did they lift their conscious minds into the angelic realms relating to the ‘angle’ of the landscape (Canterbury along the AA line, as well as connected to the Hercules sun line from the Hercules Promontory in Devon, visualised by Katherine Maltwood.)

THE ZODIAC IN CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL - The alchemical masters of ‘sky wisdom’ - the astronomers who inspired the Rennaisance, also inspired the artists. The also felt inspired by angles, who now in modern times are accepted by many more people and maybe even physicists:


‘The Physics of Angels’ by Rupert Sheldrake and Matthew Fox.]
‘….In their dialogue, Sheldrake and Fox suggest that angels might be seen as patterns of energy or fields of influence, much like how physicists describe forces that shape the cosmos. This interpretation offers a bridge for those who are sceptical about angels in the traditional sense, providing a way to think about these beings as symbolic of the unseen forces that shape our lives and experiences.’
[Quote by British Pilgrimage Trust from The zodiac in Canterbury cathedral signifies the importance of its position in the landscape, to the ancient people,

In the wider Canterbury landscape, there are two large henges and ritual complexes uncovered by the archaeologists, roughly speaking one is West (Hollingbourne), and the other North West (Iwade Meadows, to the west of the Kent industrial town of Sittingbourne). Of course the Celtic tribes were building on much older cultures, the Phoenicians visited Britain with Melkart their sun god, and even older visitors, all building on previously sited sanctuaries.


Hollingbourne Henge

An ancient ceremonial site the size of Stonehenge has been discovered on the North Downs.

The ring of ditches (pictured) is believed to have been a henge, or ceremonial gathering place, and has a diameter of 98ft (30 metres). Archaeologists believe the outer ring dates to the Neolithic period, but was later transformed into a Bronze Age funerary monument …

Sittingbourne Henge

“It’s the second confirmed henge monument to be found in Kent [the first was in Ringlemere near Sandwich] and dates back to the period of Stonehenge…..The outer ring has an entrance facing north-east, which suggests it may have originated as a henge-type monument, similar to Stonehenge.

The inner ring appears to have been built later, and is an unbroken circuit.
Here in the map we find them sitting either side of the main W-E road from Canterbury to London.


Lying across the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius, it receives multi-cultural influences down the ages, and the ‘gateway’ islands of Thanet and Sheppey guard the route with their Neolithic henges. All of humanity carries the same ‘evolutionary purpose’ manifest in creative aspiration – the ‘spear’ of vision, the ‘archer’ inspirer of prophecy and good intent, unfolding a spiritual destiny for humanity.

GEOMETRY AND EVIDENCE OF ‘ANGELIC’ ARCHETYPES THAT RELATE ACROSS CUSPAL AREAS ‘inter facing regions of inspirational stimuli in the land’.

A ‘sacred square’ alignment emerges from our collective Gatekeeper enquiry: it focuses on the key cities and sanctuaries of Oxford, Bath, Winchester and Kingston upon Thames.

The following are measures of geodesic distances between each, resulting in a finely tuned square landscape alignment. Using the website:

Oxford - Winchester 76m –
Oxford to Kingston 48.24m – seven Anglo Saxon Kings
Oxford to Bath 53m –
Bath to Winchester 50.41m -
Winchester to Kingston 48.59m
Bath to Kingston 88.68m
At the centre is Beacon Hill land Highclere Castle.

It is interesting that within this diamond exists the eight festival directions:
SE - NW = Beltaine / Samhain
SW - NE = Llamas / Imbolc
NS = Winter and Summer solstice
EW = Spring and Autumn Equinox

INTERCONNECTED LANDSCAPE: It appears that these cities were identified to embody a vision of collaborative healing/ruling/beautifying/educating and generally honoring the wisdom of the land. The interconnections appear to cross over the cusps of Scorpio and Sagittarius, Safittarius and Capricorn, Capricorn and Aquarius.

If it is accurate, and reveals Pythagorean/Megalithic proportion, then does it signify as a cultural ‘steering wheel’ of memory and cohesion? With more knowledge of earlier local avenues, barrows and henges underneath the cities and their environs, we might capture intuitively the ‘angels’ inspiring network of human creativity.

- Kingston is near the cusp of Sagittarius and Scorpio (AA line/Milky Way)

The Coronation Stone of 8 West Saxon kings.

King Aethelstan’s rise to power began at a very old stone (its ok to be called ‘the noble stone’) - giving a book to St Cuthbert.

- Oxford is near the N-S line on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn. It has four large henges underneath the university colleges, so an Opidum, which Graham Robb (‘The Ancient Paths’) depicted in his intriguing analysis of Celtic 'straight tracks' between Oxford, Anglesea, St Albans and so on) Peter Dawkins used the 'Herculean Road' from Portugal to Milan (see Graham Robb ‘The Ancient Paths’) in their latest pilgrimage.

Ethelred the Unready was the King of England twice. {its ok to be too young to be ready for what is coming}

- Bath is on the Fosse Way in Aquarius.

Bath Abbey was the site of the coronation of Edgar, the “First King of All England" (its ok to look like you are not sure what to do next)

- Winchester the junction between the North and South Downs pilgrim ways.

King Alfred the warrior/scholar visionary (its ok to burn the cakes then rule the people with the very best education). A revolutionary, he translated Latin texts into early English:

‘Alfred the Great's translation of Gregory the Great's Pastoral Care was the first work produced as part of a programme of translation of key works from Latin into Old English. Gregory's Pastoral Care (Regula pastoralis or De cura pastorali) was composed in the 590s, shortly after he became pope, as a handbook for his bishops and other leaders detailing how they should teach and guide their people. It became an enormously influential text, widely disseminated across Christendom.’ https://cudl.lib.cam.ac.uk/view/MS-II-00002-00004/1

The ‘diamond’ also encodes the eight solar festivals of the year:
NE - SW - Imbolc and Llamas
NW - SE - Samhain and Beltain
NS - Winter and Summer solstice
EW - Spring and Autumn equinox

Graham Robb (‘Ancient Paths’ p.246-8) discussed the probability that the Saxons made use of the Druidic system of setting boundaries matching the Iron Age solar orientations, in order to settle boundary disputes.

PILGRIMS’ VISION QUEST for the ANGELS of the land:

Expanding our pilgrim Sagittarian questing: where are the ‘crossover’ points and ‘angles’ or ‘angels’, relating to higher dimensional angellic interaction through the landscape to us as pilgrims?

  • Melkart Line (See Scorpio article, exploring the synthesis of landscapes)_
  • Michael and Mary Line (Linking terrestrial zodiacs)
  • AA line/Milky Way (linking the whole British Zodiac)
  • Other measurements e.g. David Furlong, Gary Bilcliffe ‘Belinus/Elinor Line’; Rory Duff and Dragon lines in Ireland (links to Scotland and England)

Each angle/angel generated embodies the wisdom of the earth, made conscious through creative human endeavour. This is our destiny, to bring added light from our ‘star self’ into incarnation: it is a great path of embodiment, and when all ‘barriers’ to the flow of love-light are seen as points of growth, we truly emerge with expanded radiance.

Through our ‘sovereign self’ we embody, with all our senses, the vision of wholeness, and our symbiosis with Nature. We become students and ‘gardeners of the earth’, collaborating with the angels, the growing seasons, and allowing the vision of beauty and symmetry to unfold within our conscious minds. We are tending the earth with love and anticipation.

Reflecting on this, we can bring our lives into new perspective, as ‘sages of the new Great Age’, guiding new souls and celebrating the love and joy that is liberated through creativity and upliftment.

The HamSa Swan – the ‘pure poet’ - and the blazing star represents the ‘process of enlightenment in which the whole landscape and all Nature is involved’ (Peter Dawkins, 2024}

Editors: Charlotte Yonge, Rose Williams, and Richard Douglas, December 2024.


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