Date: Sunday 30 July 2017
Meeting time: 9.30am
Venue: National Trust car park, Avebury, Wiltshire
Finish time: 5.30pm approx
Bring: Packed lunch and drinks; walking poles if needed
Join us for an informal day in the Avebury landscape, visiting some crop circles that have legal access. This is purely an experiential day; no talks or lectures, no complicated theories or mind-boggling mathematics, just the fun and feelings generated by these amazing spaces. We may take the opportunity to celebrate the festival of Lughnasadh (Lammas), which occurs about this time of year, with the creation of our own circle/mandala/Wheel of Life.
The plan is to meet up at the National Trust car park in Avebury, to share vehicles (there is a charge for parking here), and to spend the day exploring some crop formations. There will be some walking, so please wear suitable outdoor clothing, hats and footwear. Bring a packed lunch and plenty to drink, as we may have lunch far from 'civilisation'.
Plans for the day may change at short notice, so please book before Wednesday 26 July 2017, and make sure that I have a contact number for you.
Cost for Day: £20.00 payable on day or click here to book in advance
Please email Fiona on, or text on 07714 850924 to book