Dear Friends,
During these times of isolation and challenge, we felt the need to link more widely and support each other with meditation.
This is an invitation to all pilgrims, local contacts and other Gatekeeper members, to link with the group of local Wheel of Life facilitators on the dates of the full moon.
It is aimed at anyone who wishes to be connected to the Trust’s work, to support each person in feeling connected to our community of visionary pilgrims, and to enhance the energy of the British landscape with our love and wisdom.
A simple home focus can be a candle, together with a mandala of flowers and natural objects if you are inspired.
Additional photos of sacred sites and landscapes are available on request to the secretary:
The dates of the full moon during 2020 are as follows. With love and blessings from us all.
Lunar Festival Dates
- April 8 - (ARIES)
- May 7 - (TAURUS)
- June 5 - (GEMINI)
- July 5 - (CANCER)
- August 3 - (LEO)
- September 2 - (VIRGO)
- October 1 - (LIBRA)
- October 31 - (SCORPIO)
- November 30 - (SAGITTARIUS
The British Zodiac with Peace Prayer cards for each Wheel of Life Project local event in 2017