Sun in Taurus, Earth, the Builder;
Moon in Scorpio, Water, the Magician
Pleides and Taurus - ‘Urania’s Mirror’. By Sidney Hall
The oldest representation of the Pleides
Pleides in Taurus - ‘the all seeing eye’
An ancient object thought to be the world's oldest map of the stars is currently on display at The British Museum as part of the “ The World of Stonehenge” exhibition. The exhibition is on until 17th July. More information #TheWorldOfStonehenge
The First art design of Pleides is the Bronze Age sky Disk from Nebra, Germany: - ‘One of the earliest known depictions of the Pleiades is probably a Northern German Bronze Age artifact known as the Nebra sky disk, which is dated to about 1600 BC.’
As we pilgrimage in the sign of Taurus, our ‘all seeing eye’ of our soul or core self light can be ‘initiated’ into the path of transformation into becoming ‘the all seeing eye’ of Horus.
‘The Eye of Horus itself was considered symbolic of sacrifice, healing, restoration, and protection. Egyptian sailors would often put the Eye of Horus on their ships to ensure safe travel, and usually would be incorporated in some manner for a Pharaoh’s burial in order to protect them in the afterlife.’
‘What does it mean to be a builder or gardener cultivating life?
Scorpio: ‘What can I do to be a Magician, creating transformation in every day life?.
What magical building can we do next to create beauty? How can we create new friendships across the globe as a step in being a planetary human? How can we build new technology which is in harmony with Nature, and transforms our environment with our
dream of beauty?
What role does your garden play? As a cultivator what do you learn about your role in today’s changing multi-cultural settings?
We build and cultivate life, and thus transform it into love and true light.
The sign of Taurus ‘the builder’ is also the sign of friendship, love and affection. These are transformative and at the heart of all possible futures in our lives.
For the moon, the sign of Scorpio represents the ‘magician’ and transformer, where the festival of transformation marks the time of autumn at the end of the year where all the fruits of our experiences are lifted up into the crown and celebrated as ‘adornments of the soul’ or petals of the divine flower of love and spiritual friendship.
Examples: Gardening, cultivation, dreaming a good dream. Creating story and mythology - principles of spiritual transformation represented in icons and symbols from classical world – marriage of science and arts.
The Grove to Apollo - Shugborough Hall Garden.
Taurus represent the throat chakra, where the voice of inspiration is received from the Alta Major (at the back of the neck) and sent to the brow to be tested.
Peter Dawkins: When we hear the inner voice of truth (the Word of God) correctly and conceive the good or god-idea, and let it speak to the mind (or speak it outwardly), then the alta-major chakra has linked fully with the throat chakra.
In our garden paradise we walk and talk in order to understand the truth and digest the symbol through our senses:
Triumphal Arch
THE PARADISE GARDENS at Shugborogh Hall - experiencing the garden like a mystery play., connected to the expansion of Western Culture to the New World, the deep guidance to create a new cultural form which resulted in the use of sacred geometry in establishing cities like Washington. George Anson its creator is seen as ‘the father of the British Navy’, so his intent was to position Britain within a heroic framework of mythology and significance.
Shugborough - Swan and Cherub
Cupid and Psyche.
Tower of the Winds, copy of the tower in Athens.
The Arches originally had statues of cultural heroes. (Throat Chakra)
Peter and Sarah Dawkins have researched the geomantic gardens of Rousham House. They represent the Garden of Eden, a Paradise, a vision of the Holy Grail of spiritual transformation. Visitors start at the river, where the right angel bend re-directs the water energies up through a chakra system.
Visitors witness mythology through the senses, listening to Nature, and absorbing the areas in which statues symbolise the energy centres of each corner: Pan and Echo are represented as the two lovers, the soul and the personality, who travel up to the crown. Their mythical marriage is a symbol of enlightenment.
The River Bend at the root - The chakra walk includes a three way choice of paths at the Root chakra near the river.
Pan at the pool (Heart)
Temple to Echo (Heart) - places to sit in quiet contemplation, including dovecot, walled garden and pyramid temple
Lion attacks a horse (Brow Chakra)
[Pictures of Rusham Garden features from]
The message of a paradise garden is ‘never under-estimate the power of divine love’. However, in these times we are re-interpreting our own individual sovereignty and ‘garden of hope and endeavour’ for love-in-action to bring about a harmonious global human family. as the National Trust informs us: The Shugborough you enjoy today has been shaped by inspiring and talented people, who wanted to keep a snapshot of their idea of an Arcadian landscape. Shugborough, along with a number of other places and collections in our case, has direct links to colonialism. Learn more about what we are doing to address the histories of slavery and colonialism and to acknowledge their impact and legacies.’
Our Full Moon meditation has the focus of bringing creative contributions to our global culture and building a future of love, wisdom and beauty, starting with tending our own life’s gardens and landscapes.
The Significance of Wessak, the May Full Moon
The three full moon Festivals of Easter, Wesak and the Festival of Humanity are the three major spiritual events of the year. Alice Bailey tells us that year after year the Buddha comes back in blessing and world in the closest cooperation for the spiritual benefit of humanity.
Co Editors: Charlotte Yonge and Rose Williams, May 2022.