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Sound in the Land

05/05/2024 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

We would love you to be part of a special event that we are organising - a 15 minute atunement from wherever you live, so that together we create a network of sound across the land.

On Sunday 5th May, to honour Beltane and the Spring energies, we will make our way (individually or together as we feel appropriate) to our own special location to tune in collectively at 12 noon UK. Using sound vibrations, from words or chant or song or instrument, we send out loving resonance to the land and each other.

Gatekeeper chants are available on the website https://gatekeeper.org.uk/resources/music/. You may be inspired by Sounding The Elements, a sung meditation by Anam Cora, or sing and activate your own landscape and energy lines with your personal song.

As with Light in the Land, this atunement can be part of turning the wheel of The British Landscape Zodiac, synchronised to be more powerful still, To help identify your location within the Zodiac a map is shown below.

Here are guidelines for the simple ceremony for us all to follow.

Arrive in time for a 12 Noon start.

Allow time to centre and atune to the place and others gathered if you are in a group.

Connect to the Spirit of Place by repeating three times out loud:

Kindly Luminous Beings
Guardians of this place
Please grant us your hospitality
And may Love bless you.

Having asked permission to work with the Spirit of Place, connect energetically to the land. Enter into silent connection to the centre and all the other gatekeepers and then let the music and sound flow. Imagine waves of sound frequencies across the land, spreading outwards connecting into a web of sound.

Quietly reflect and be open to insights and illumination.

Close by repeating three times:

Kindly Luminous Beings
Guardians of this place
Thank you for your hospitality
And may Love bless you.

Afterwards you may like to take a photo to add to the montage of soundings. You may want to chant, dance, drum, write a poem, make a mandala, whatever you feel moved to do. We hope you enjoy this collaboration and simple ceremony.

We would love you to share pictures and a few words from the locations visited to build up a picture of the sound network that we build and which we can host on the GKT website as a collective endeavour.


11:30 am - 1:00 pm
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