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Full Moon Meditation – 23rd May


May 23RD 2024

THE GEMINI MAGIC OF ARTISTIC IMAGINATION BALANCING THE POLARITIES - the PURE POET of our incarnating soul-purpose. The ‘dream of beauty’ manifests in the geometry of the Grail Landscape Temple, with ‘Maia’ at the ‘alta major’ point, a place where guidance can be ‘heard’ with our ‘inner ear’ of intuition. The ‘Gemini Twins’ are ‘the ideal and the real’ in balance manifest our vision of beauty.

WE ARE BUILDERS of VISION, THE DREAM OF LIGHT AND TRUTH - the theme of Taurus and of the ‘third eye’ of the pituitary gland generates the ‘good dream’ which inspires our heart’s passion. We manifest our universe, through the Gemini ‘innovative imagination’... and balance the ‘ideal’ (intuited through the eye of vision) with the ‘real’ everyday experiences. Our 'star self' is emerging into our self identity, as an inner experience, a creative trigger for the phenomena of earth. Together we dialogue with earth's energy in many ways. We intake earth's energy, process it through metabolism, and radiate it out through 'love', reflect upon it creating 'light' and amalgamating this newly generated human 'wisdom of love in action, love-light' with the earth's pre-formed 'sacred geometric' light body. This light body is developing as an individual, Gaian Human Being, as it takes in the resonances of other space bodies (astrology, cosmology, the effects of the Galaxy 'polarity shift' etc. Earth enters a new region of space, along with the Solar System, and the sun changes its behaviour, therefore we as a community of life integrated with Gaia our planet, need to evolve along with this.



Are there 9 Norman ‘sanctuary’ castles in Greater Manchester, that symbolise the ‘we stars of the Silver Wheel, the 13th sign of the British Landscape?


Jane Lewis introduces her experiences of living in this area:

“Jane Lewis lives in the North West of England near Macclesfield where in the 1990’s our ‘Gatekeeper Elder’ Deirdre King lived and pilgrimaged through the zodiac sketched by Silvia Moss many years ago. In recent years Jane has further researched a Macclesfield Zodiac whose ‘AA’ axis she feels runs in a roughly north-south direction from Lyme Park (National Trust) in Disley through Macclesfield to Congleton. She imagines that Lyme Park marks the Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp and Congleton the Taurus/Gemini cusp on the sun’s ecliptic. Jane intuits that this ‘milky way axis’ manifests in two ways in the landscape: as the 35-mile long distance footpath called The Gritstone Trail, and also as the Peak Forest and the Macclesfield Canals. These are part of the Cheshire Ring, a 97-mile canal network that may circulate the energy of the Macclesfield Zodiac around the whole of Cheshire and take in Manchester city centre at the ancient Castlefield site. The canals were originally built by hand to move materials in and out of the textile mills that sprang up in the Industrial Revolution, a transportation network that linked the whole country. In the 1960s when many of the canals had fallen into disuse, The Cheshire Ring was conceived by canal enthusiasts whose dedication got the canals regenerated and re-opened as a leisure resource.

Jane feels that her landscape intuitions have grown partly out of recent pilgrimages to The Dream sculpture near St Helens, which marks the Taurus/Gemini cusp of the British Zodiac. The sculpture is working efficiently to help people in the region literally have big dreams. One of Jane’s recent big dreams is that the Silver Wheel of Ariadne – Arianhrod – the 13th sign of a lunar zodiac that sits etherically above the 12 sign solar zodiac – can and possibly already is manifesting as the Cheshire Ring and perhaps also as the Macclesfield Zodiac. Historically, Macclesfield was the centre for silk spinning and weaving, silk being a finer material and a higher vibration than cotton.

Since the last full moon in Scorpio/Taurus Jane has been consciously pilgrimaging these canals with the dream seed-idea of them manifesting the Silver Wheel energy. On her walks she has actively asked for higher guidance and confirmation as to whether or not she is ‘on the right track’. On one occasion, at the moment she joined the canal towpath a narrow boat called Zodiac sailed by! When she reached the key junction of the Peak Forest and Macclesfield canals at Marple Junction she was met by a visiting boat called Peace. On another walk, the first boat to pass her was called Delight !

It’s wonderfully inspiring to think that we can consciously act as agents of transformation, just as the heavy energy of disused industrial wastelands have been transformed since the 1960s into happy recreational resources. Now, so many people value, love and enjoy the canals, thereby helping to create more and more beauty and delight that can be circulated around the North West region and around the whole country. In order to build with vision we need a passion of purpose, to feel delight for the beauty we might bring into form.

The ‘Cheshire Ring’ and its rivers: now these canals provide a water haven, healing stress, leisure times in which to dream a ‘silver water wheel’ in the landscape:


The ring of canals passes through Congleton, Macclesfield, May.. and links to Manchester. In this city, which is regarded as quintessentially a ‘Geminian City’ for its prolific activities building the ‘industrial revolution’. In Macclesfield we find the centre of the silk industry. We have the Cistercians to thank for building the first steps towards industry through their rule of ‘hard work’. They industriously developed water power, iron smelting, agricultural practices, and weaving (see my articles for sun in Aries and Taurus).

EDUCATION: Blue John Cavern - visitors and leisure seekers, get in touch with their senses, and are inspired by the beauty of precious stone, lit up with modern lighting:

‘The Blue John Cavern is home to 8 of the 14 known varieties of Blue John stone. Blue John can be seen in its natural state along with stalactites…’The cavern takes its name from the semi-precious mineral Blue John, which is still mined in small amounts outside the tourist season and made locally into jewellery. The deposit itself is about 250 million years old.

The miners who work the remaining seams are also the guides for underground public tours. The eight working seams are known as Twelve Vein, Old Dining Room, Bull Beef, New Dining Room, Five Vein, Organ Room, New Cavern and Landscape.

In 1865, Blue John Cavern was the site of the first use of magnesium to light a photograph underground. It was taken by Manchester photographer Alfred Brothers.

Taurus holds the ‘inner eye of beauty’ - central vision of harmony, resolution of opposites, and progress for Humanity. The peaceful beauty of the landscape brings about this ‘third eye’ of appreciation and vision.


After the ground-breaking ‘Ironbridge’ in Aries, and Chester, - the port and marketplace for a huge hinterland, the industrial inspiration moved from Taurus into the dramatic inspiration of Gemini the Twins. The innovative genius of the Cistercians spread around the country, seeding industrious energy and inspiration, and developing the water energy technology, and iron-working of the coal mines. Railways developed and bridges to facilitate transport of materials from the ports including LIverpool. The coal through the Severn Valley, the iron-ore from seams in the surrounding hills.


Castlefield where the Romans built their fort called Mamucium (maybe named after a female goddess) is not in a conservation area.

The Cathedral, built of two previous churches, one to St Anne and the other replacing it was dedicated to St Mary and Michael, of which only one relic survives: the ‘Angel Stone’


Ancient ‘Hanging Bridge’ joined the two central rivers, Irk and Irwell, and it is now incorporated into the modern cathedral.

The ‘Hanging Bridge’ preserved as evidence of ‘the dream of beauty’ in the Cathedral - modern builders become rooted in history, wonder andgratitude are generated.

The ‘leisure industry’ created out of the industrial revolution, brings now a sense of progress and new identity, with insights into how hard work and inspiration bring beauty into form. Religious architecture of praise and wonder?

For hundreds of years it bridged an ancient water coure called ‘Hanging Ditch’ - a symbol of how ‘duality’ is overcome in practical ways, joining areas of habitation, work and religion.


Wiki: The Angel Stone, a small carving of an angel with a scroll, is preserved in the cathedral. It was discovered in the wall of the cathedral's south porch providing evidence of an earlier, possibly Anglo-Saxon, church (St Mary and Michael)..

The Angel Stone is all that is left of the previous mediaeval church of St Mary and Michael. The ‘eye of beauty’ persisted in the carved message: ‘Into Thy Hands Oh Lord I commend my spirit’.


How do we respond to our ‘inner eye of beauty’, the pineal insight into natural growth and harmony?
If the dream still persists in the angel’s message, how do we act today to embody the harmony and beauty that is possible in our world?

TWIN CITIES OF LIVERPOOL AND MANCHESTER – Interconnecting and linked through the ‘ring’ of rivers and canals, goods trading along the seaways with other other countries. a ‘new age’ began.

We may see a cusp area as dynamic, with constant adjustments going both ways, with the fluidity of Gemini and the ‘glue’ of Taurus, facilitating and building relationships. Therefore it stands to reason that inter-relationships build up conurbations between cities exchanging populations, skills and materials collaboratively. Beaurocratic systems arise out of the regional conflicts of castles (there are nine in Greater Manchester but do they create a coherent pattern in the landscape ‘building’



Along with their abbeys, were monastic islands, outposts of devotion to the ‘angels of the Lord’... the land inspired, the sea inspired.... they knew something.... and together they seeded a lot of change all over Britain..What dream manifested in Gemini? The key areas of activity in the Industrial Revolution have been transformed into leisure activities, and travellers researching history… educational activities which are also ‘holidays’ or ‘holy days’ of recharging, reconnection and healing.

Basinwork Abbey and the Holy Well

At the end of the dissolution of monasteries, the abbey was dissolved and its parts spread around, some ending up at Moel Famau:– ‘mothers HILL’ – nearby is Moel Arthur.

The abbey became integrated into the surround Welsh high hills:: Wiki: ‘The hill, which also gives its name to the Moel Famau country park, has been classed as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty since 1985. It is also surrounded by several well-preserved Iron Age hill forts.’

It seemed to symbolise the evolution of the Cistercian impulse for ‘hard industrious work’ which gave birth to the iron and water technologies and the ‘reformation’.

Wiki:: By the 13th century, the abbey was under the patronage of Llywelyn the Great, Prince of Gwynedd. His son Dafydd ap Llywelyn gave St Winefride's Well to the abbey. The monks harnessed the power of the Holywell stream to run a corn mill and to treat the wool from their sheep. In 1433, the monks leased all of Glossopdale in Derbyshire to the Talbot family, the future Earls of Shrewsbury (1442).


Prehistoric evidence of human activity in the area of Manchester is limited, although scattered stone tools have been found.

Building cities of technological monoliths – reflective during day and night, the busy builders’ ceaseless activity.

The Coat of Arms - worker bees around the world:

Worker Bees encircling the globe – honey – wealth – navigation around the world: global dominance: ‘Concilio Et Labore’ means ‘Wisdom and Effort’, Welsh Dragon, English Lion collaboration.

Greater Manchester and the building of the Industrial Revolution:

Wiki: ‘What is now Greater Manchester developed from centres for the manufacture of cotton textiles, aided by the exploitation of the Lancashire coalfield. The region was also an engineering and scientific centre, leading to achievements such as the first inter-city railway and Ernest Rutherford's pioneering work on nuclear fission. Since deindustrialisation in the mid-20th century the county has emerged as a major centre for services, media and digital industries.’…’.

Surrounded by huge hills and mountains of the Peaks, with symbolic names like ‘Black Chew Head and Bull Hill. No wonder ‘tough headed’ industrial development drew upon the strength of these hills.

Castleton Peak: Odin Mine Cave entrance - a disused lead mine producing ‘galena - lead ore’ - Its name ‘Odin’ the chief god of the Danes, implies the power of the mineral in human lives. Wiki: ‘The origins of Odin Mine are unclear; many Peak District guidebooks and sources say that the mine was first worked by the Romans and subsequently by the Saxons and the Danes. Trevor D. Ford states "It was probably worked in Roman times, again in the Dark Ages and in Norman times…’.

Werneth Low - overlooking Greater Manchester, symbol of constructive intent?

Blackstone Edge Moor - Powerful hinterland of Greater Manchester: …

Wiki: Crossing the escarpment is Blackstone Edge Long Causeway, also known as Blackstone Edge Roman Road, a partially paved road on the Greater Manchester side, becoming a holloway through peat as it runs into Yorkshire.

The Aiggin Stone and cairn on Blackstone Edge Moor - the power of the land upholding city growth?

Winter Hill, viewed from Blackrod, Greater Manchester, England. Part of Horwich is visible below the hill.Winter Hill masts – monoliths of technology. The hill upholds a future advanced technology, and complex intercommunication (Gemini)?

WIKI: ‘The bare hilltop was once covered by woodland that may have been destroyed by fire and it is thought that the hill was once inhabited, though no remains have been found.[4] There is a Bronze Age round cairn dating from 1600–1400 BC on the hill.[5] In 1883, a local historian recorded the old name for Winter Hill as Edgar Hill, named in connection to Saxon King Edgar.’


Wiki: Dove Stone Reservoir lies at the convergence of the valleys of the Greenfield and Chew Brooks above the village of Greenfield, on Saddleworth Moor in Greater Manchester, England.

We are reminded of the ‘dove’ of inspiration of beauty-in-flight.

Greenfield Valley - A wonderful ‘stone’ symbol of human engagements with and transformations of the elements and the landscape. Did we adopted the sense of grandeur and destiny from these crags?


‘Concilio Et Labore’ means ‘Wisdom and Effort’, Welsh Dragon, English Lion collaboration.

In the light of the industrial revolution and the ‘Manchester Angel’ purpose of fulfilling the Coat of Arms do we need to consider the ‘alternative future of technology’ that is in service to Humanity’s need to progress social structures that are helpful and reasonable to the GLOBAL PROBLEM of resource use and allocation?

OUTREACH FROM THE AA LINE - how do we progress as humanity, evolving ever-sensitive structures that build our natural unity and soul purpose?

A clue is the Cistercian’s seen to have ritualised work and industry. They master-minded water technology, laid the foundations of revolutionary agriculture and metalworking ... former monks became leaders of the Reformation... his many abbey ruins turn up, as well as monastic islands... they knew something.... and seeded a lot of change all over the place.

THE AA LINE taurus-gemini

Manchester, located in the United Kingdom, is a city with a rich history, vibrant culture, and significant contributions to various fields. Here are some reasons why Manchester is considered a great city:

  1. Technological Pioneering: Manchester is the birthplace of the world’s first programmable computer. In 1948, developers created “Baby,” a machine that ran the world’s first stored program. Despite its bulky size and limited computing power, this achievement laid the foundation for modern computers.
  2. Industrial Revolution: During the late 18th century, Manchester played a pivotal role in the Industrial Revolution. It became the world’s first industrialized city, responsible for innovations such as the inner-city railway, working canals, and steam-driven mills. The iconic worker bee symbolizes the city’s industrious spirit.


Wiki: ‘They consist of four motte-and-bailey castles, three fortified manor houses, an enclosure castle, and a possible shell keep. A motte-and-bailey castle is characterised by two elements: the motte is an artificial mound with a wooden stockade… ,’ then rebuilt by Normans.

Was there a symbolic ‘wheel of life’ in the landscape, identifying ‘winter’ as the North direction, and the Celtic New Year starting at the end of a Milky Way between Scorpio and Sagittarius?

The Normans brought over ‘mystic clerics’ suggests Anthony Thorley in the 1990’s. They advised on the appropriate geomantic positions of their castle domains, and abbeys, which

often were built upon previous Anglo Saxon castles. Research into the Megalithic sites in the surrounding hills might reveal an underlying orientation….

Nine castles of Manchester:

Was there a deliberate positioning of a ’wheel’ of castles indicating the eight or more directions about the centre hills (Castlefield and the Cathedral)? – was this positioning part of the Norman chiefdom’s connection to the ‘alchemical clerics’ who took account of the landscape energies with the old ‘geomantic’ wisdom and ‘wheel of life’ solar orientation of even more ancient Megalithic astronomy?

It certainly looks as though the Cistercian sensitivity to water and earth energies allowed a new era of industrial creativity to emerge. Often the Cictercian abbeys were positioned at river bends, so that capture of water energy was part of their ‘traditional healing wisdom ‘ - developing water energy for power followed for industrial looms and steam engines.

Castles of Imagination: Leisure-time restores the ‘age of battles and progress’ into travelling holiday makers’ desire for knowledge and entertainment… a new ‘industry’ of human imagination’ and a sense of wonder that the ‘practical evidence’ of history

  1. Buckton Castle
  2. Bury Castle
  3. Dunham Castle
  4. Manchester Castle - Mamucium
  5. Radcliffe Tower
  6. Rochdale Castle
  7. Stockport Castle
  8. Ullerwood Castle
  9. Watch Hill Castle

Encircling the city, these castles used to create a ‘wheel’ of defence, and connect the new communication industry with the ‘ring’ of canals’… weaving enterprise with systems of governance together, in the area of Greater Manchester.

Prestbury - St Peter’s Normal chapel, where we may wonder whether the Norman geomantic clerics, including Cistercians, designed the right place within the landscape for these buildings, accessing ‘Megalithic’ mathematics of the solar and lunar cycles. They came over after a surge of abbey building, with the Norman Dukes, and future kings destined to rebuild anew.

Pontefract Castle

Pontefract Castle - The education industry now replaces curmishes: ‘Seiging and Beseigned, ‘who were the solders who fought to control the castle?’ Education in abundance about those soldiers - Nathan Drake and richard Lowther amongst them in person, can be revealed at:

Buckton Castle: We educational voyeurs read: [Wiki]: ‘One of the earliest castleswas a medieval enclosure castle near Carrbrook in Stalybridge, Greater Manchester, England. It was surrounded by a 2.8-metre-wide (9 ft) stone curtain wall and a ditch 10 metres (33 ft) wide by 6 metres (20 ft) deep.’ We witness our cultural roots, and it surrenders to modern progress.


The Cistercians were a Catholic religious order with a strong work ethic and a ‘dream’ of religious significance that spread their skills throughout the land.

They flourished, laying the groundwork of the industrial revolution, until the English Reformation sparked by Henry Viii. In 1534 Henry declared himself that he was the head of the Church of England, The break with Rome brought with it the Dissolution of the Monasteries, with some members of the Cistercian order becoming Protestant priests.

The Original Declaration:

‘An Acte wherby all Relygeous Houses of Monkes Chanons and Nonnes whiche may not dyspend Manors Landes Tenementes & Heredytaments above the clere yerly Value of ii C li[a] are geven to the Kinges Highnes his Heires and Successours for ever.

The Reformation required the confiscation of religious buildings connected with Roman Catholic faith, such as those of the Cistercians. Some members became clergy in the Church of England. Buildings were stripped of metal and wood, then dispersed to build Anglican churches.

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_England The Reformation and the building of the Church of England)

Is another reformation ripening out from the past, building on past understanding through the spirit of the ‘Age of Aquarius’?


Holding a vision of the beauty of our incarnation, through interconnected elements: sea, land and human imagination, the magic of the arts - the ‘pure poet’ within us - comes into our lives. The ‘dream’ of beauty and wholeness embedded in the landscape, which comes to flower through the year..
The AA point of our star map of Britain: ‘The Dream’ -

‘The Dream’ (the artist’s daughter with her eyes closed, dreaming of a land of harmony and beauty) - celebrating the miners whose mines were closed and a park built on this spot for walking and leisure: a dream of relaxation and beauty we all hold dear. Many people visit and absorb the powerful message that we all can dream a future of peace and harmony.

On the AA line representing the ‘Milky Way’ of the British Zodiac we join Nature unfolding her glorious beauty, and ‘stir the golden pot’ of human creativity together.

The Shakespeare North Playhouse - for dreamers of the ‘good dream’.

In London the ‘Rose Theatre’ built near the original site of the Elizabethan Rose Theatre, has its ‘Gemini’ partner in the heart of Preston. The comedic spirit of Shakespear still reigns in the wording of the website: which has the section ‘Modern Slavery Statement’ for the terms and condition of their policies. Also the visiting invitation offers an experience of the ‘pure poet’ - ‘together we will make the building come alive!’

...a fantastic place for everyone to enjoy’... joy, the gift of ‘beauty.’



The British Zodiac seems to be encircled by 13 holy islands, many having had hermits, and others with more nature conservation. I found the remarkable fact that they occur roughly the position of the ‘cusps’ of each sign. This theme will develop in our next article with the sun in Cancer ‘the heart protector and guardian’. The Full Moon meditation comes on June 21, Midsummer.

Near the cusp of Taurus and Gemini is Piel Island, Furness, Morecambe Bay, on the edge of the Scottish landscape zodiac. Does it represent the Star Aldebran near the Pleides in the British Zodiac? It is positioned near the edge of the landscape Zodiac of Scotland. Aldebran: along a line from the Hyades cluster: Wiki: Aldebaran … (Arabic 'The Follower') is a star located in the zodiac constellation of Taurus. It has the Bayer designation α Tauri, which is Latinized to Alpha Tauri and abbreviated Alpha Tau or α Tau.

To the West is ‘Rockclife Cross’ near Carlisle, a circular Celtic Cross. Across the estuary of the River Esk (Brythonic ‘Iska’ ("abounding in fish") are relics of a stone circle, near Gretna Green and the Lockmabin Stone, all that’s left of a stone circle near Gulf.

The Lockmaybin Stane [stone] near Gulf and the Esk Estuary.


We are preparing to be pilgrim builders of a new age of Aquarius.

In Anthony Thorley’s vision emerged of the pilgrimage through the Milky Way in the landscape, he encapsulated the ‘mystic pilgrim’ ideal of ‘living in imitation of Christ’ through being reborn at the Taurus/Gemini point at Beltain, and becoming enlightened by life’s dualities and challenges, to the ‘crucifixion and transformation’ at the Scorpio/Sagittarius point. The pilgrim would then be admitted to the ‘starry heavens’ with Christ and Mary at the centre of the galaxy. Metaphorically cleansed and redeemed, the pilgrim chanted and wept for forgiveness along the way, and spoke with the stars.

EMBODYING LIGHT: As ‘INNOVATORS OF NEW A NEW AGE’ we create new light in the landscape through expressing our ‘inner eye of beauty’ letting our hearts direct our thought and action. In modern times, we envisage this journey through disciplined awareness, dedication to the ‘eye of beauty’ within, and learn to accept the daily inner transformation with the help of ‘spirit of place’ the angelic kingdom and Nature’s subtle world of elementals. The sense of wholeness inspires us to envision the wholeness and connectivity of creation, honouring both our historical ancestors and modern visionaries.
Here is Peter and Sam Dawkins’ map of the ‘light’ manifesting in the British Isles.


Artwork by Peter and Sam Dawkins:

THE BRITISH ISLES seen as the ‘Maia’ the temple of the triple goddess, AS TEMPLE BUILDERS, we pilgrimage and can visualise the light of Creation through our art work and honour the sacred ‘silver wheel’ of holy islands that emerge within our ‘inner vision’.


‘Landscape temple' is a name given by Peter Dawkins to each of those landscapes which have underlying them an integral geomantic energy system with a complete set of chakras and auric field.

*Knowledge of landscape temples, and how best to live and work in them, is very ancient; but has been largely a lost science for the last three centuries or more.’

“Incarnation is a sacred act, and the incarnate individual is a being of Light. A new spirituality is emerging that will honour and celebrate this, empowering individuals to bring their love and their Light into the world. Your life and work is to take part in this emergence.


We are ‘subtle activists’ or innovative co-creators of the light body of the Earth, integrating our own Light in a path of generativity - being grails of inner light..enabling potential creative light to be revealed. (For more see David Spangler, Lorian Association: www.lorian.org)

The Seed Cycle and the ‘inner eye of beauty’ [Thanks to Michele Beaufoy]. At this time of Beltain we plant the seeds of our vision for the year, and nurture them through collaborative attunement see Gatekeeper’s ‘Sound in the Land’ link up insights on our website.

https://gatekeeper.org.uk/events/light-in-the-landscape-collaboration/ and https://gatekeeper.org.uk/2023/11/light-in-the-landscape

Sarah Dawkins leads us to celebrate beauty in the land: ‘Inspiring Beauty’ at the ‘Alta Major’ of the Maia Temple (see https://www.zoence.co.uk/event/inspiring-beauty/)

An Aquarian Age is upon us: ‘unity in diversity’ - one world, one people, many individuals, creating new networks of love in action.

Co Editors: Jane Lewis, Rose Williams and Charlotte Yonge, 2024.


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