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Full Moon Meditation – 19th August


19th August 2024
12 NOON local time

LEO - Fire - playful research, open hearted generosity, intuitive optimism and vision - the ‘helm’ of Casseopia’s ‘Silver Wheel’ of ‘heavenly dew’ of inspiration

THE QUESTING: LEADERSHIP SKILLS PREPARING FOR LOVE IN ACTION involve being prepared with research, attunement to the spirit of place and group readiness, which is an openness to guidance from the spirit of place.

New moon insight:
John W: ‘stimulating opportunities for playful self-expression, dialogue and exchange. In addition, we plan for Cancerian ‘good boundaries’ for our vision of love in action.

Role: preparation of dreamteam, innovative focus, good boundaries, pilot plan ready for refinement in Virgo, Libra action in motion, Scorpio reflection and insights…

Reconciliation of possible challenges from elementals such as weather etc:

John W: So one of the main themes of this month will be how reconcile the possibilities of what could be and what we could become, with the necessities of what makes good grounded sense, what is rational and realistic, and the trials of life that must be tackled.’


Discovering the ‘Solar Observatory’ - as a leader in investigating Megalithis science, Anthony Thorley rested his assumptions about the rocks in Simonside being an example of Alexander Thom’s ‘Lunar circle’ stone circle (a flattened circle with special measurements reflecting the cosmology.)

On Simonside Anthony discovered the ‘lunar circle’ dimensions described by Alexander Thom: See ‘Apollo's Arrow & the Secret Knowledge of the Bronze Age’
Anthony Thorley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_1Oj7kRSEY

The ‘Solar Observatory’ on Simonside aligned to the ‘sinodic lunar year’.

The obscure ‘hole’ within the huge rock, which focused the sunrise rays through a huge boulder.

Compare this with Robin Heath’s ‘Lundy Egg’ similarly oriented.

This suggests that outlying islands, and ‘squashed circles’ link to the lunar cycle, and the ‘silver wheel’ of sanctuaries which might also connect with the rivers and paths of a terrestrial landscape.

Lunde lies off the North Devon Coast, where in Exmoor data is being collected of a terrestrial zodiac twinned with Dartmoor.


The cylic motion of the moon, sun and stars, seems to have given birth to a
‘Pythagorean mathematical model depicted in ‘solids’ showing spsirals as well as geometric rules, which seem to have been a source of systematic observational knowledge.

Symmetry in the round, reflecting the ‘triskele of spirals’ familiar from Newgrange, and found in a ‘first third of a passageway’ of a sacred mound as your are walking along, suggests Anthony, suggesting an ‘interdimensional cave’. They have been found most in Aberdeenshire, including the Orkneys: 400 stone balls.This suggests that the ‘Silver Wheel’ of Casseopiea was conceived from a tradition far removed from 21st century measurements, from a deep subconscious urge for ‘connection with the land’ in a circular fashion.

MODERN INTERPRETATIONS OF SPIRALS AND WHEELS: THE ROUND TABLE - an ‘inner Silver Wheel’ of transformation of experience and of soul emergence:

The creative qualities of seekers after Truth and Manifestors of Vision.
[after Peter Dawkins’ draft, graphics by Caroline Danby]. Does this help internalise our own ‘silver circle’ of intuition?

QUESTING: our Leo role as GAIAN HUMANS, involves the intent to find the truth and learning through experience, arrive at unconditional love: We use our sovereignty and grounded ‘self light’ within body awareness as a tool for bringing light into the world – this is the cosmic ‘leadership’ or conscious creative initiative of humans in relation to the land energy and the angelic dimension: What was the original ‘geomantic role’ of St Michael’s Island in relation to the powerful complex of circles on the mainland?


  1.  At the start of our initiatory quest, the ‘stone’ of truth is the foundation of Aquarius ‘the Truth Seeker’, which is dormant and needs to be drawn out. So the search for truth triggered by a vision in our hearts begins.
  2. The ‘sword’ – Taurus ‘the Builder’– the sword of truth, goodwill, speaks the voice of the intuition – the Taurean experience of physical incarnation triggers the intuition, which in turn begins preparation with friendship.
  3. The ‘spear’ – Leo ‘the Leader’– the spear of clear sight and understanding generated through balancing the ‘dualities’ of live in Gemini, inspiring love in action.
  4. The ‘shield’ – Scorpio ‘the Magician’– the shield of sacrifice and service, guardian of truth gained through love in action (Libra) triggers the fulfillment of the cycle, where we aim for the centre where we unfold ‘rose’ of love as a new petal of soul light.

SILVER WHEELS IN THE LANDSCAPE, AND THE CUSP OF CANCER/LEO - Is the Northumbria terrestrial zodiac a ‘turning wheel’ for the offshore Lindisfarne ‘Holy Island’, along with other ‘hermit inhabited’ holy isles in our ‘silver circle’ of the Hesperides.



A research report is in progress from the British ‘Milky Way’ at the Taurus/Gemini gateway, including the serendipitous building of the Canal ‘wheel’ of Macclesfield - how does it signify the ‘silver wheel’ of Arianrod?

Jane Lewis writes: ‘In summary, what do I currently have to say about zodiacs, water courses and silver wheels,, in answer to your question? That the silver wheel symbolism is multi-layered in terms of the British Isles; that if they represent Cassiopeia on the world map then our Isles represent the Cauldron of Don, the Supreme Heavenly Queen, through which flows the spiritual essence of the Milky Way, and from whence it is poured into the mortal plane. The small islands off the mainland coast would be like wheels within wheels (as the found bracelet demonstrates). These silver wheels help the waters of life force to flow and keep turning. Rivers, streams, lakes are natural conduits but, where necessary, modern engineers of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries may have consciously decided to construct canals to spread the flow more widely and divert them to geomantically-strategic places, for example, to carry ‘Milky Way’ energy over ecliptic-river portals. If the River Dee is a nationally significant river that carries the original Milky Way from Don’s cauldron through Bala Lake into Cheshire and into the Dee estuary, then the Llangollen Canal would tap into that flow and connect it into a nationwide network of canals linking all Britain’s major rivers including the Mersey, Trent, Severn and Thames. In modern times, maybe the canals are the vital link between the many sub-zodiacs within the larger wheel of the British zodiac?'

Our question is: how can we provide research observations that endorse the new insights about the ‘Silver Wheel’ of the myth of Arianrod/Casiopie?. Is our island surrounded so intimately with the sea, that rivers are constantly in flow, thus providing a ‘learning opportunity’ for humanity to tune into the ‘intuitive’ silver wheel of our lives in many landscapes?

The British Zodiac reveals a ‘Milky Way’ cusp between Taurus (north Wales) and Gemini (Northern England), and is represented perhaps by the three Hidebre islands off the Wirral: Hildeburg’s Island, Little Eye and Middle Eye. Do these refer to the ‘Bulls Eye# of intent and intuitive focus?

Jane has researched the Macclesfiel Canal, and its wheel. The question she raises is did the construction of canals relate to the underlying geomantic notion of ‘circulating water energy’ (or the blessings of Don’s Cauldron) to nourish agriculture and cultural development in the area?

INSPIRATIONS FROM THE CANCER/LEO CUSP - The Cheviot Zodiac researched by Antony Thorley and its relationship to the Holy Isle of Lindisfarne.

[map of Northumbrian Zodiac and its axis]

Anthony Thorley: Landscape Zodiacs of Britain FULL LECTURE - Megalithomania - https://www.megalithic.co.uk/article.php?sid=19394&all=1&noglimit=1

Lindisfarne related to the Cheviot zodiac.

The causeway is subject to regular flooding of the tides, and probably added to the virtues of the monastic chanting and travels looking for herbs for healing, turning an invisible ‘silver wheel’ of blessings.

St Cuthbert at the ruins. Travelling monks establishing a ‘silver wheel’ of contemplative paths, build up the ‘water/land’ energy line through the larger mainland.

The priory ruins and St Cuthbert - traveling saints developed sacred paths between sacred sites. Their lives dedicated to infusing blessing into the land and into the monastic order.

Lindisfarne Island forms an intrinsic part of this energy symbolism, being a centre for monastic contemplative life and the honouring/working of sacred paths and sites as mystic ‘turnings’ of creation.

Wiki: ‘Holy Island has a recorded history from the 6th century AD; it was an important centre of Celtic Christianity under Saints Aidan, Cuthbert, Eadfrith, and Eadberht of Lindisfarne…. Latin Medicata [Insula] (English: Healing [Island]), owing perhaps to the island's reputation for medicinal herbs…… Brittonic in origin, containing the element Lind- meaning stream or pool (Welsh llyn),[18] with the nominal morpheme -as(t) and an unknown element identical to that in the Farne Islands. Thus we have a connection with ‘traveling’ and water ‘pooling’, streaming and challenging… our culture incorporates a vivid ‘silver wheel’ of incarnation.


Professor Thom’s work on the Megalithic measuring techniques is reflected by Anthony Thorley and Peter Dawkin. It brought much measurable information about a culture pre-dating Pythagoras, as a pre-historical, philosophical root to our modern mathematical and philosophical traditions. How can we apply the theory of ‘lunation mathematics’ or the ritualistic ‘silver wheel’ of early cultures celebrating the spirit of the land?

PORTLAND - our Weekend In the Dorchester area, CELEBRATING THE MEMORY STONES OF PORTLAND: https://gatekeeper.org.uk/events/portland-memory-stones-weekend/

Investigating the possible ‘silver wheel’ of Megalithic earth science in relation to water sources and courses: North of Portland, there are many megalithic sites. Do they constitute a network of pathways linking to The River Winterbourne.

Abbotsbury and St Catherines Chapel in the West, Silver Lakes in the East.

The Megalithic sites along the edge of the Winterbourne River. These nterconnected sites seem to pass on or stir up the water energynaking a wheel of living energy. In Dorset the two Winterbourne Rivers gives its name to fifteen different places.

Do these ancient relics hold a secret ‘silver path’ of monastic tradition, reflecting the ‘St Catherine’s Wheel of old, which may relate to the ‘wheel of transformation’ that we follow in our incarnations?

PORTLAND - DISCOVERING THE WHEELING AND ENCIRCLING OF LIFE FORCES – Wholeness and interconnectivity is discovered through it being revealed in our experience of beauty and self-renewing life in the Gaian landscapes:


Developing ‘wheels of life’ honouring solar and lunar festivals round the landscape, the holy isle is a ‘... stone’

Questing the spiritual focus of an island in relation to the sanctuaries on the local mainland. We will learn more in our next Gatekeeper Weekend on Portland.

Portland (Cusp of Capricorn/Aquarius

  • Gateway into the creative collaboration of minds and imaginations, hearts and souls.
  • The role of islands in creating ‘outside-in’ sacred space, relating to mainland ‘wheels’ of ritual and magic
  • The Portland/Dorchester ‘wheel’ in the landscape – circles between SE and NW coinciding with the Milky Way path of resurrection

Winterbourne Abbas – Nine Stone Circle


In this map images, Portland serves in determining the ‘wheel of life’ from N (Dorchester), E, SE, S, SW and W, to NW (Winterbourne Abbas).

Portland re-discovered by Gary Biltcliffe reveals two sites of stone circles and other Megalithic features, now distorted by quarries.

Thus geomantically, island and landscape cohere together, similarly to Isle of Wight and Wincheter. Stone circles running SE to NW seem to include the NW orientation of Abbotsbury with its St Catherine’s Chapel.

There is more to consider. King Rufus built Rufus Castle in the SE, position of Mayday and the beginning of an oriented ‘Milky Way’ between Taurus and Gemini. Nearby is ‘Maypole Meadow’ where he would have celebrated the pagan solar festival with revelries in his castle.

Continuing this orientation, Winterbourne Abbas in the NW – with Abbotsbury– indicates a ‘wheel’ of ritual significance in this whole landscape.

Near Winterbourne Monkton, Maiden Castle’s southern defences are made up of four ramparts.
(Gary Biltcliffe ../…

Was St Catherine’s Chaple also a frequented venue of King Rufus, as he did in St Catherine’s Hill Winchester, and in relation of the holy island of Wight, at St Catherine’s Point?

St Catherine’s Wheel would be connected to the Isle of Wight at the cusp of Capricorn/Sagittarius. These significant relationships between ‘wheel’ and ‘isle’ seem to suggest a carefully crafted ‘divine’ idea of flow and harmony: a mathematical correspondence that reflects the ‘land-to-water’ relationship of the whole of the British Isles.

[Charlotte Yonge - working graphic for the Winchester landscape)

The Southern perspective, St Catherine’s chapel ruins in the wooded tump.

On the Isle of Wight is St Catherine’s Point on the Southern-most point. It aligns with Winchester N-S, this line including St Catherine’s Hill. This signifies a ‘wheel’ of ritualized energy paths from ancient roots, used to depict the evolving human consciousness emerging from experience, into ‘clear light’ of revelation.

The Longstone on the Isle of Wight

The only Neolithic monument on the Island, local legend has it that St Catherine and the Devil himself created The Longstone as they fought over the Isle of Wight. During their struggle, St Catherine threw a four-metre-high stone from the nearby Down that bears her name and lodged it decisively into the ground in Mottistone. The Devil threw a smaller stone that landed short of St Catherine’s, giving her a clear victory of good over evil.

Further along the coast:

ST MICHAEL’S MOUNT and its ‘silver wheels’ of local stone circles (Cusp of Aquarus/Pisces).

St Michael’s Mount [screenshot, courtesy www.thousandwonders.net].

How does this powerful rocky place relate to the many sacred sites on the mainland? The four stone circles of Penwith: ‘The stone circles stand at the hubs of geomantic complexes or landscape temples, each wrapped in an enveloping landscape setting. The complexes are integral to the purpose of stone circles and should not be seen as separate.’ https://www.ancientpenwith.org/circles.html

  • Boscawen-ûn – outlier The anchor or contact-point for this alignment is not
    the stone circle but Botallack Common barrow, 200 metres ENE of the circle.(a flattened circle meaning relaring to the Lunar cycle)
    ‘..it is well known, intact, intimate, not enormous, yet impressive.
    It stands at the intersection of six significant alignments linking it with many major sites: Godolphin Hill, St Michael's Mount, Lesingey Round, Stannon Circle on Bodmin Moor, Gurnard's Head, the Nine Maidens, Lanyon Quoit, Cape Cornwall, Maen Castle, Carn Lês Boel, as well as, on the Isles of Scilly, White Island cairn on St Martin's and South Hill on Bryher.
  • Merry Maidens‘exactly circular…an exact alignment of Carn Brea, Gear Round, St Michael's Mount and Treryn Dinas’.
  • Tregeseal‘They and the wider complex would have formed a 'magical park', including the stone circles, the cairns and Boswens menhir northeast of it, the holed stones and Carn Kenidjack, as well as sightings to other hills and sites in the area and as far as Scilly. A processional way would have come down from Carn Kenidjack to the holed stones and cairns, then to the two stone circles.
  • Nine Maidens – exactly circular – ‘The original Mên an Tol stone circle down the hill formed part of the Nine Maidens' complex, together with Bosiliack Barrow and several cairns and stones, as well as the nearby hills Carn Galva and Watch Croft.’

Wiki: ‘Megalith builders utilised advanced mathematics, astronomy, geometry and proportion. Theyseemed to understood the size of the Earth, the periodicity of the planets, the eclipse cycle, the precession of the equinoxes, the Golden Mean.’ It seemed to stand at a marine unction for boats travelling to and from Brittany and Iberia, the English Channel and Bristol Channel, and from what are now Wales, Ireland and Scotland. Its main harbours were St Michael’s Mount (not then an island, St Ives and Carnsew (near Hale).

Rivers and Wells of Penwith: (32 recorded)
‘Ancient water sources were to play an important role in the semi-shamaistci early Christian period of cornish saints, who continued a holy well tradition going right back to the earliest times.’

Map of holy Cornish holy wells. [https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/365776800977859568/]

St Emryns Well [www.ancientpenwich.org]

Bartinney Castle spring

Madron Well

Some alignments reflect the solar/lunar measurements of Megalithic cultures.

  • The Tregeseal stone circle is located in alignment with Carn Brea, Trencrom Hill and Lanyon Quoit - two Neolithic tor enclosures and one Neolithic quoit;
  • The Merry Maidens are on an alignment between Carn Brea, St Michael's Mount and Treryn Dinas - two Neolithic tors and a cliff sanctuary;
  • Boscawen-ûn is located at the node of six backbone alignments, every one of them connected with a cliff sanctuary - this is remarkable;
  • The Nine Maidens are aligned on Mulfra Quoit, Trencrom Hill and Roundwood Fort, on Bonfire Carn and Knackyboy Cairn in the Scillies and Cape Cornwall, as well as to Bosiliack Barrow, Lanyon Quoit, Boscawen-ûn and Treryn Dinas.

In our British circlet of holy isles, water energy is key to the ‘flexible builders’ of the Megalithic age, in which they demonstrated deep knowledge of divine intelligence in the land. This is our inherited wisdom: the encircling, flowing nature of intelligence energy throughout physical Creation.

This has significance in the way we reflect upon ‘incarnational spirituality’ and the potential we hold of being co-creators of beauty, harmony and emergence of life.

LUNDY STONE CIRCLE - The Lundy Egg by Robin Heath, for the Ley Hunter’s Moot


Barrow in the background.

Lundy Stone - was this part of the Ley Hunter’s measurements from the barrow?

Robin Heath says: Archaeology still has to catch up with the rest of us concerning Alexander Thom’s geometries and the astronomical realities measurable at many many sites. This little article may help them to at least begin that process, as also might my forthcoming book - Alexander Thom: Cracking the Stone Age Code.
https://books.google.co.uk/books ‘Alexander Thom: Cracking the Stone Age Code’

These ‘egg’ shaped ritual sites (see above) accessed the planetary energy at the lunar cycles, and these are explored further as ‘testing points’ in the annual festival cycle: completion of ‘vision, loving collaboration, setting good boundaries, refining a plan of action, trusting the good will of those with whom we interact within our plan of action, and reflecting on experience in order to plan future pilgrimage and visioning.


Further ‘Silver Wheel’ speculations will be reported in the next ‘Virgo Sun’ article, aiming for ‘tine tuning’ with Virgo representing our ‘inner perfectionist’, followed by Scorpio our ‘inner mystic’ gathering an intuitive vision anchored by research.

In Devon these principles apply: As Pilgrimage facilitators, intuitive leadership involves many preparatory areas of study. The local group can be focused through annual ‘reflection on the past events’ (at or around Samhain), an attunement to the local landscape angel, attunement to our ancestors, the angelic kingdoms, the light of cosmic fellowship with our guides, and the intent to follow the ‘healing the land and ourselves’ key plan of action. Finally a vision for the coming year, inspired by the love of the land we share.

Further ‘fine tuning’ for a local groups can be explored in our next article for ‘VIRGO Sun’ questing our ‘craftsmanship and fine tuning’. What are our ‘good boundaries’, what innovative inspirations have come to us as a group?

Coeditors: Jane Lewis and Charlotte Yonge, 2024



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