15 miles across and larger tan the Glastonbury Zodiac which Katherine Maltwood found in the 1920’s, Kingston’s own Star Temple is revealed by the many significant place names which attest it.
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By Mary Caine
15 miles across and larger tan the Glastonbury Zodiac which Katherine Maltwood found in the 1920's, Kingston's own Star Temple is revealed by the many significant place names which attest it.
The natural contours of the River Thames partly outline several of the 12 giants and govern the Great Dog which guards the circle. From his all seeing eye - or Saxon "eghe"-near Egham, we enter through his growling jaws precisely where the pillars of the M25 cut across the M3 as his fine set of teeth. Hi tail wags under Walton Bridge, just below the hooves of Taurus, the powerful Venusian Bull who thumps his hind feet at Cowey Sale. The red bullseye, posied appropriately at Strawbury Hill Shot by the Thames, waits to receive the arrow, aimed point blank, from the opposite bank by the Zodiac's Sun King Sagittarius. His bow is drawn by the river itself, but his body lies concealed in ancient roads and tracks through Richmond Park. Robin Hood Gate links him to that well-known Saxon hero with his merry band of men and, with heart-shaped Isabella Plantation, he is also Arthur with his chief knights and Queen Guinivere as the Zodiac signs still seated about their great Round Table.
The Zodiac is the Sun's path across the sky and the pilgrim's task is to move through the myth's and legends of the 12 signs and discover their timeless message, so relevant to the world today.