Light in the Land

Resources / Links for Light in the Land Events:

Here are guidelines for the simple ceremony for us all to follow.

Arrive in time for a 12 Noon start.

Allow time to centre and atune to the place and others gathered if you are in a group.

Connect to the Spirit of Place by repeating three times out loud:

Kindly Luminous Beings
Guardians of this place
Please grant us your hospitality
And may Love bless you.

Having asked permission to work with the Spirit of Place, connect energetically to the land.
You may want to light a lantern, candle or fire.

Enter into silent connection to the centre and all the other light points for 10 minutes
Sarah Dawkins will be at the centre at Hign Cross and attached is a map where other lightholders are gathered.

After 10 minutes or so of silent connection,
visualize a network of light across the land, bringing light in and spreading outwards.
Quietly reflect and be open to insights and illumination.

close by repeating three times:

Kindly Luminous Beings
Guardians of this place
Thank you for your hospitality
And may Love bless you.

Afterwards you may like to take a photo to add to the montage of lightings. You may want to chant, dance, drum, write a poem, make a mandala, whatever you feel moved to do. We hope you enjoy this collaboration and simple ceremony.

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