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Virgo Full Moon Meditation

10/09/2022 @ 11:30 am - 12:00 pm



VIRGO: Preparing the context for love in action: How do we follow our dream? Virgo helps us fine tune our daily life for love in action

Encircling the Land with Sacred Dance 1998 - 2015.

Creating magic with Sacred Dance at Ely Cathedral with Suzy Straw.
This project made precise attunements with the full moon round the British Wheel of Life (Landscape Zodiac).

Encircling the Land with Sacred Dance 1998 - 2015 - Creating peace with Sacred Dance. Originated by Suzy Straw (d. 2011) and continued with Clare Higson to 2015. The project moved around the British Landscape Zodiac using the sun signs (Lincoln is in Virgo) - dancing in the landscape of the sun sign but also dancing at the time of that full moon. The intention was to create a focus for peace in each area and therefore energise the whole of Britain. Subsequently the cycle of sacred dance events developed into the Gatekeeper Wheel of Life Project.

Lincoln Cathedral [Rose Williams, local contact for Virgo]

Mandala for Lincoln [Rose Williams, dance and pilgrimage facilitator]

Montage (Charlotte Yonge) - for use in pinpointing our attunement to the ELSD vision. In Lincoln the original project still continues every year in Virgo with dancing and pilgrimage.

The equal zodiac, showing the ancient Fosse Way passing through Lincoln.
[Peter and Sam Dawkins).

A ‘Geometer’ is one who applies geography, in this case Peter and Sam applied geography, astrology, mythology and graphics to be woven together for greater precision of love in action.

Virgo: ‘Being at the right place at the right time’ involves fine tuning our geographic and photographic tools etc to detect the latent symmetry of sacred landscapes. It involves following our ancestors’ dedicated trails, Stone Age structures are built upon Iron age fortification. The European pilgrimages of the last 2000 years follow even earlier ancient paths and sanctuaries of stone. A new vision of harmony can now emerge.

Preparing for healing meditation: Map of Europe as a candle mandala (Charlotte Yonge and friends 2020) for linking with European pilgrimages.

Map mandala at Purley Chase Centre where the Gatekeeper Trust
Prepared for the Wheel of Life project round the British landscape. We link regularly as a group to the ancestral paths and chakras of Europe.

Candle meditation reconstructing the ‘cross’ of Ireland
as identified through pilgrimage and tradition. (work in progress by Patricia Swann, Peter Dawkins and friends)


In 2016 the Purley Chase Centre near Athertone/Mancetter and Oldbury, invited walks on Hartshill. This year Peter Dawkins talked of the earliest ‘High King’ Bran whose original ‘round table’ palace was situated at Oldbury. There are only old embankments there now, but nearby on Hartshill there are ancient burial mounds, and a tombstone, were described in Adrian Gilbert’s book ‘The Holy Kingdom’. Adrian Gilbert writes of two researchers following the trail of the original Welsh King Arthurs. Historians Baram and Blackett searched in the woodland of Hartshill for evidence of early records of King Arthur/Artwe, and found a tombstone with letters carved confirming this king was laid here.

Preparation with Paneurythmy at Purley Chase, with pilgrim lanterns for the Wheel of Life.
(Montage Charlotte Yonge, and Sarah Dawkins (Paneurythmy)

Purley Chase Centre had a large garden with mini woodland and water pools. This prepared us to reflect on our vision, and with the Hartshill site nearby, we were beginning to understand why it was the right place at the right time. Paneurhythmy in the morning was our preparation attunement with Nature and the angels for the coming day’s meetings.

Pilgrims Weekend mandala identifying the eight directions of the Wheel of Life.

Circle dance on Hartshill 2016, with Lantern of Peace.
(Photo: Charlotte Yonge)

Oldbury Camp: A Pre-roman hill fort near the last battle of Queen Boudicca.
‘Slight univallate hillforts are defined as enclosures of various shapes, generally between 1ha and 10ha in size, situated on or close to hilltops and defined by a single line of earthworks, the scale of which is relatively small. They date to between the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age (eighth - fifth centuries BC),’ [Wiki]

This is the era of King Bran the Beloved, whose head was brought along the route which is now A5, down to Caer Troyia (Londinium/London) to be buried under the ‘White Hill’ (Tower Hill). Video on the ‘Grail Land” https://youtu.be/P8YZK6XBzmA [for more on the Grail Land of Europe: https://www.zoence.co.uk/info-landscape-temples/grail-land-of-europe]

He follows the tradition that all Grail Kings observe, to gather the knights of high virtue to protect the land. The Gatekeeper Wheel of Life follows the mythology embodied in the British landscape of a star map of the heavens, signifying stories of the ‘grail knights’ fighting for truth and virtue.

In this way, in retrospect, our planning weekend in 2016 had intuitively been held at the right time at the right place. At a later Pilgrims Weekend at Holycombe in Warwickshire, not far from the A5, we committed to our project following the vision of Peter Dawkins and Suzy Straw for the Encircling the Land with Sacred Dance.

Merevale Abbey:

Remains of Merevale Abbey and Gatekouse where monks innovated with engineering an metallurgy. [https://historicengland.org.uk]

‘The Cistercians were involved in many of the modern developments of the time such as hydraulic engineering and metallurgy making them a major force of technological development in Europe as well as being highly organised and industrious farmers.’

It was the monks who built the great fishing lakes at Merevale and it was their success and huge wealth that led to their eventual downfall when Henry VIII needed to finance his wars in France.’ https://www.baxterley.com/?page_id=763


How can we be ready to help humanity and the planet to manifest love and light? How can we bee at the right place at the right time?

When we become playful leaders, creating with our inner vision, we project from our hearts what we wish our future to be, and then prepare to engage in creative ‘love in action’.

In order for us to be in the right place at the right time, we need VIRGO to give precision focus in the here and now: become gardener of our soul and generate true unconditional love within our environment.

Co-creating with our heart’s intuitive ‘flowering insights’
Fine tuning for love in action.
Being in the right place at the right time.


Using map research, myth legend and foot slogging, we listed and discover what the land needs from our heart-felt joy for its beauty. We then follow our inner guide to feel a path evolve, a reccy to check for safety and characteristics of the terrain etc. This is fine tuning our vision of healing the land and ourselves, and although events might change on the day, creative leadership is supported by the details of preparation.

Planetary Transformation: It could be that our potential DNA is awakening, or we are dreaming our world awake. How can we engage in planetary transition in an effective and loving way, through visualising the wholeness of planetary-human consciousness?

Graphic interpretation for a focus of meditation. [Fine tuning our mythical and geographical research by Peter and Sam Dawkins]

Editors: Rose Williams, Sarah Dawkins and Charlotte Yonge, 2022.


11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category: