"To point at the moon a finger is needed, but woe to those who take the finger for the moon."
(an old Eastern proverb).
In the Welsh language, the term "Lloer" means Moon and is sometimes used for the lunar year or month.
In Welsh, "Lloerawl" means Lunar, belonging to the moon, and "Lloergan" is the Moon shining, or moonlight.
"Lloeriad" is a lunation, a complete revolution of the moon, and interestingly, "Lloeran" is a circle. A nod to the shape of the moon, and even to the monument at Stone Henge which some believe to be a seasonal marker and observatory for the heavenly bodies.
In times gone by, Britain was also known as the Island of the Mighty.
A place full of Heroes and Giants, Great Britain was hallowed ground for the Druids and a sacred place of divination, prophecy, and connection to the ancestors and the gods of old.
The links to Heroism and the idea of prophecy and divination can also be expanded upon in the deeply allegorical Welsh language. The term Aries, famed for its association with the Roman god of action and warfare, but also to the human brain and mind and the head of the year in astrology, can be beautifully tied to the concept of divination in the ancient Welsh tongue.
Furthermore, "Aries" can be linked to the dragon and the destined hero of Welsh mythology - the Mab y Darogan. In this interpretation, the term dragon would have its etymological beginnings in the old Welsh dialect.
The prefix Ar is the root of many great words in Welsh. This phonetic sound is also connected to the Sanskrit term "Aryan", meaning Noble, and the Greek "Arete" meaning Excellent.
In Welsh, "Ar" is the faculty of speech, "Arlais" are the temples of the head, "Arab" is merry and pleasant, "Aran" means a high place, and "Arlwydd" translates to a lord or Master.
"Arwir" is plain truth.
And, "Arleufer" means illumination.
In the Welsh tongue, the term "Aries" actually translates to prophecy. (This image from an old Welsh dictionary says "the same thing as Darogan".)
Darogan, or is that Dragon?
"Darogan" means a prophecy or prediction, a fore-telling, a fore-boding, "Darogan" and "Daroganu" are to foretell things to come, to prophecy, to predicate, "Daroganiad" is a prediction, prophecy, vaticiny, and "Daroganwr" means a prophet, a fore-teller of things to come, a fortune teller.
In Welsh folklore, the prophesied hero foretold to come and help restore the Island is named Mab Y Darogan - the prophesied child. (or the child of the dragon perhaps, the Pen-Dragon?). This relationship between the term Aries, the Darogan, and the ideas of heroism and divination are again supported by the Greek word "Arete" and the Sanskrit "Aryan" and their relation to greatness and excellence.
Interestingly, the borders of Wales are called the marches. And, in wonderful synchronicity, the old Welsh word for a border is Mars. (or Aries perhaps - the borders where our intuition and foresight arises?).
And, coincidently of course Mars is the last of our inner rocky planets before the border of the asteroid belt and the great Gas giants.
Since ancient times, the heavenly bodies and their movements and cycles have been linked to the fates and fortunes of humanity and our ability to foresee the future and prepare for the times to come. In Britain - the Island of the Mighty - the great monuments were built to celebrate and commemorate these ancient connections.
However, our shared languages, allegories, and legends also highlight these age-old and important truths. Our traditions, culture, and way of life hold important clues to our fascinating and expansive history - and may well be vital keys to unlocking a bright and insightful future.
A full Moon is said to be a time of receiving.
When the Moon is full its reception and reflection of the life-giving Solar light is total. In the Human sphere too, it is said to be a time of receiving and heightened intuition, a time to wait, slow down, and receive the subtle signs of nature and the heavens.
"All beings have need of nourishment from above. But the gift of food comes in its own time, and for this one must wait. Clouds in the Heavens bring rain, they refresh all that grows and provide Humanity with its sustenance. The rain will come in its own time. We cannot make it come; We have to wait for it".
The I Ching.
(and the same may be said of the light).
Happy Full Moon.
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