Arbor Low Poems

POETRY ON A PILGRIMAGE in the British Landscape Zodiac sign of CANCER:
‘Guardian of the Good Dream’

Arbor Low’s guardian stones, watch and protect the sacred space.

Following on from the pilgrimage to The Dream’ sculpture in Taurues, and our keynote ‘Dreaming the Good Dream’, we began developing how to carry forward the conscious dreaming as a practice of enquiry using poetry, lanterns and other ceremonial objects.

This site symbolizes ‘The Guardian’, and on our visioning journey this solstice high summer stage represents our understanding – having interacted imaginatively with subtler levels of energy at Gemini – of the ‘good dream’ of the landscape. It is to do with harmony, connectivity and completeness, in which a landscape form design for celebration and inspiration of the heart could take place: with ‘good boundaries’. Good dreams need the right boundaries, that interconnect with larger realities, and stimulate subtle sensing and deeper awe for beauty and harmony. A good plan of action for your dream of truth and love, will need to be nurtured and protected before it is tested perfected. Our Cancer ‘shell’ lets nutrients in and keeps predators out, while creative work is in progress.

I ponder on these thoughts as we greet the sanctuary guardians.

The Peace Lantern keeps the flame from wind and rain, and still reflects the light.

Light reflected to shade and protect,
Pitted stones
Arise from bedrock
Planted intent
The wind carves my crystal bones Rocks cupped to receive
Grain and honey, that speak
To the genius of the earth,
Be sure, we interpenetrate
And we speak to your bones,
Building domes
Of custodial light…


Building domes
Of custodial light
These guardian rocks speak,
At home in their caves,
For the star mysteries
That seep through all life
On this faithful planet:
“In the cave-bound stars of your hearts.
Light reflected to shade and protect,
We watch and recreate our will
To regenerate with your truth,
To perpetuate with your love
That incubates in our universe -
In the star-wombs above.


Great belly mounds
The hills of antiquity
Like shells of protecting earth.
Heart-shaped of England,
Rolling with sheep,
Building domes
Of custodial light.
No shame lies here
But the sure knowledge
That our Sacred Earth speaks
Of the history of truth.


Pitted stones
Arise from bedrock
Sink in mud,
Speak the intent of the past.
Welcome to each holy mind
Are the holes holes of mystery.
These guardian rocks,
At home in their caves,
Where six stones, a barrow
Eight stones a crab,
A complex that mirrors the stars.
And becomes their heaven.

The ‘Watcher Guardian’ Hill barrow

I watch the gate,
I stand sedate,
Planted intent
The wind carves my crystal bones
My priests carve their cups
I witness years passing
And still keep guard
For the star mysteries
That seep through all life
On this faithful planet.

Ring ditches

The ring ditches
Enclose the sacred circle:
Stones flat and thin
Firm rooted in grass and buttercups,
And oriented to the stars,
The cave-bound stars of our hearts.
Light reflected to shade and protect,
Rocks cupped to receive
Grain and honey, that speak
To the genius of the earth,
And the wisdom of the space-studded lights.
Standing rough and smooth,
For the symbols of love-born life,
They also hold a secret cosmic light
Spewed here to make the new heaven,
Only discovered by finger-tips
Of heart-wonder bright.

The Angel’s Whisper

Be sure, we interpenetrate
And we speak to your bones,
And the bones of the earth.
We watch and recreate our will
To regenerate with your truth,
To perpetuate with your love
That incubates in our universe
In the star-wombs above.

This circle held nurturing and inspirational energy that could have infused our ancestors with the passion of purpose to find inner truth and love. We went to Rowtor Rocks, where caves and corridors gave spaces for an inner pilgrimage.

A cave at Rowtor Rocks.

Charlotte Yonge 2018

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