We are delighted to announce the speakers at this year’s Annual Conference, "Threshold", on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 November 2016.
Saturday 26 November 2016:
Peter Dawkins – "The Gatekeeper"
Marion Briggs – "Beyond the Threshold"
Imelda Almqvist – "Gods of Portals, Life Transitions and Liminal Spaces"
Caroline Hoare and Gary Biltcliffe – "Lost Kingdoms of the North"
Martin Palmer – "The Second Day of Creation"
Sunday 27 November 2016:
Jay Ramsay – "Immortal Diamond"
Patrick MacManaway – "Enchanting the Fertile Landscape - Conversations with Dragons, Elementals and Nature Spirits"
Sam Lee – "The Fade in Time"
Guy Hayward and William Parsons – "The Song of British Pilgrimage"
Click here for more information about the conference weekend and to book tickets
Speaker Biographies:
Peter Dawkins is a philosopher, author, lecturer, visionary, geomancer, Zoence consultant and teacher, and a Baconian and Shakespearean scholar. He is the founder of Zoence Academy & Mystery School, which he runs in partnership with his wife Sarah, and of the Francis Bacon Research Trust. Peter is a co-founder of Gatekeeper Trust. Peter’s pioneering research has led directly to a developing art and science of ‘landscape temples’ and ‘geomantic (or geocosmological) pilgrimage’. www.zoence.co.uk
Marion Briggs has for many years participated in and led walks through the landscapes of Sussex, Croatia, Bosnia and elsewhere. More recently she has been exploring the green spaces and sacred sites of London. She organises talks, workshops and conferences, including Sacred Space talks at Steiner House in London on Earth Mysteries. www.earthtemple.co.uk
Imelda Almqvist is a teacher of shamanism and sacred art. Based in London, she teaches internationally. Imelda’s sacred art courses take place in the fertile space where art meets shamanism. Imelda pioneered a shamanic program for young people, ‘The Time Travellers’ and “Natural Born Shamans: A Spiritual Toolkit For Life” was published by Moon Books August 2016. www.shaman-healer-painter.co.uk
Gary Biltcliffe and Caroline Hoare are well known for their historical research and investigation of earth mysteries, dowsing ancient sites and uncovering lost knowledge. Their guided visits and workshops attract people from all over the world to the magic, science and history of the sacred landscape of Britain. www.belinusline.com
Martin Palmer is Secretary General of the Alliance of Religions and Conservation (ARC), a secular body working with every major faith on environmental sustainability. As well as being an environmentalist and religious historian, Martin is an experienced author, broadcaster and public speaker and is a regular contributor to the BBC on religious and ethical issues. www.arcworld.org
Jay Ramsay is the author of 35 books of poetry and non-fiction. His latest collections are Monuments (Waterloo Press, 2014), and this year Diamond Cutters: Visionary Poets in America, Britain & Oceania co-edited with Andrew Harvey. Jay is poetry editor of Caduceus magazine, and works as a psychotherapist and healer. www.jayramsay.co.uk
Dr. Patrick MacManaway practices and teaches geomancy in the UK, US and Australia. A third generation practitioner of the psychic and healing arts, he holds a degree in Medicine from the University of Edinburgh, is Past President of the British Society of Dowsers and author of several books and CDs. www.patrickmacmanaway.com
Sam Lee is a Mercury Prize nominated Folk singer, song collector, promoter (of BBC award winning Nest Collective) radio host, TV personality, teacher and animateur. Sam's critically acclaimed albums place songs he has collected from the Gypsy Traveller Community at their heart. His band 'Sam Lee & Friends' perform unconventional and contemporary interpretations challenging all preconceptions of what ‘traditional folk’ should sound like. www.samleesong.co.uk
Guy Hayward and Will Parsons are co-founders of the British Pilgrimage Trust, which aims to renew the tradition of British pilgrimage in accessible new forms. Dr. Guy Hayward is a singer and psychologist who specialises in the formation of community through song. Will Parsons has spent 10 years travelling Britain as a wandering minstrel before discovering he was a pilgrim all along. He has taken the story of British pilgrimage from BBC1 to Radio 4 and Vogue magazine. www.britishpilgrimage.org