Under the Sign of Scorpio in the British Zodiac, England’s oldest recorded town has had a rich and dramatic history. Shakespeare’s Cymbeline, the Emperor Claudius, Queen Boudicca and St Helena are all part of the story – as are Protestant martyrs, an Elizabethan magus, Cavaliers and Roundheads and Humpty-Dumpty!
To mark the solar festival of All Hallows, we will pilgrimage along the East-West axis of the town which forms a perfect chakra system. Our itinerary will include the Roman Walls, a Saxon Church, the Norman Castle and a meeting place for the Family of Love. Inspired by the Colchester Sphinx, at each chakra point we will discover a different mystery story...
10:30. Batte-Lay Tea Room, Minories Art Gallery, 74 High Street. [Tel: 01206 765131]
11:00 Visit to Colchester Castle and Museum [Admission £5.50 group rate]
1 pm lunch at Tymperleys, the home of William Gilbert, physician to Queen Elizabeth I.
For town map and parking see here: http://www.colchestermuseums.org.uk/infodesk/town_close_up.html
Please bring a £5 voluntary contribution for Gatekeeper funds for the day.
For further details and booking – contact Julia Cleave on 01206 827617 or cleavejulia@gmail.com